What do Economists do?


<p>What do Economists do?</p>

<p>How are they the forth highest paid major?</p>

<p>Does someone just major in "Economics" to become an economist?</p>

<p>You should wiki “Economics”. It’s good info.</p>

<p>Economics is a broad subject so it’s hard to say what economists do but you find economists in every organization that’s concerned about people, production, and growth. Especially financial organizations, government, governmental organizations, and universities.</p>

<p>Economics is not business and economists are not trained for business but due to the deficiencies of some schools economics is the only route into a career in business. It’s probably the closest thing to business and relates well with finance.</p>

<p>Most undergrad economists go on into law or continue to get their PhD in Economics or an MBA. Either route opens the door to multiple career paths in the different types enterprises mentioned above.</p>

<p>Economics involves history, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, and math (Calculus, trigonometry, geometry, algebra, and all the variations). It is considered one of the humanities and a science.</p>

<p>Where did you get that Economics is the 4th highest paid major?</p>

<p>Economics is a pretty good major per the following links. A lot of students with economics major are aiming for medical schools, law schools, and MBA.</p>

<p>[Best</a> Undergrad College Degrees By Salary](<a href=“2023 College Rankings by Salary Potential | Payscale”>2023 College Rankings by Salary Potential | Payscale)</p>

<p>[The</a> Economics Major](<a href=“http://www2.csusm.edu/rarnold/economics_major.htm]The”>http://www2.csusm.edu/rarnold/economics_major.htm)</p>