<p>I am a freshman in college, and I always wonder what i should do with my life.</p>
<p>Since high school, my aim was to get into a very good college, and i worked hard, and i got in.
Then, at college, my aim was to get a good gpa. I studied a lot, and got a pretty good gpa.</p>
<p>But, now, what do i aim for? What is the ultimate goal in life?</p>
<p>Does anyone else have questions like these???
Would anyone like to know the answers to such questions?</p>
<p>First off, until you graduate college, getting a high GPA will always be one of your goals. You’re not done yet
it’s a constant battle, and the battle will get harder with upper-division courses and expectations. </p>
<p>I question my heart’s desire and my life as well, and I’ve decided to just let life lead me where it’ll lead me. I’ve narrowed in on a couple areas of interest, so that’s better than nothing. </p>
<p>In addition, I’ve always viewed life to be composed of a cycle of “preparing” for something. In middle school it’s for high school, in high school it’s for college, in college it’s for grad school/a job, in a job it’s for your family and financials, etc. This may seem kind of daunting to a person, but it’s also a good motivator. You’re always busy, and that’s better than living a lazy, idle life, I guess. </p>
<p>In the end, the answers are inside every person, and the challenge is being able to find them within ourselves.</p>
<p>I just go with the flow. Life’s too short to worry about too many things before they even happen! For my next 7 semesters, I’m planning on keeping up my grades, meeting new people, creating new networks, exploring more of the world, and making a difference somehow. They say that good things happen in good time, and that’s how I’m playing it.</p>
<p>Don’t “go with the flow,” nor let life lead you! You are life, and you’re the only one in charge of it. You’re going to have to make yourself assertive and uncomfortable if you want to discover what you can do.</p>
<p>I do agree that you should live in the present, however.</p>
<p>[Creating</a> Job Satisfaction - Career Development from MindTools.com](<a href=“MindTools | Home”>MindTools | Home)</p>
<p>I Like this:</p>
<p>“First off, until you graduate college, getting a high GPA will always be one of your goals… In the end, the answers are inside every person, and the challenge is being able to find them within ourselves.”</p>
<p>I believe it is one important REASON FOR LIVING (life-long work) FOR ALL to answer them. But you need not hurry because this might be the life-long process. I believe you can answer them successfully after developing your career and personality fully.</p>