<p>^^ I feel bad for you. I can’t stand kids. To be around them all day, there is no worst job in my eyes.</p>
<p>Speaking of, does anyone remember DZ Discovery Zone or Zainy Brainy?</p>
<p>^^ I feel bad for you. I can’t stand kids. To be around them all day, there is no worst job in my eyes.</p>
<p>Speaking of, does anyone remember DZ Discovery Zone or Zainy Brainy?</p>
<p>DZ was da bomb. Had my birthday parties from 4-8 there before they closed. But the only complaint which makes me feel like it shouldnt be a complaint reading the rest of these, is standing for 8 hours behind a front desk and not being able to sit down because you’re the only one there. ha</p>
<p>I’m a lifeguard, and there are a ton of things about my job that annoy me.</p>
<p>I can’t change the height requirement for the kiddie pool, sorry.
Don’t go down the slides head first, no matter how fun it seems.
Don’t get mad at me because your kid has to wear a lifejacket.
Don’t dive into shallow water. EVER.
Bars + pools = really drunk people.
Don’t go down the slides head first. DON’T.
If you cut your finger, deal with it. Don’t whine to me because I don’t carry bandaids.
If you’re taller than the slide, you probably shouldn’t be riding it. That goes for you, parents.
Co-workers should not date. Too much drama.
The lifejackets are free, so at least give us the courtesy of putting them back where you got them. We don’t like picking up three hundred lifejackets and organizing them at the end of the day.
Throw away your trash.</p>
<p>Sorry about the list. xD</p>
<p>I work at a grocery store and I don’t like the misconception about how much stuff is in the backroom. We don’t hoard stuff back there, it gets put out as fast as possible. If it’s not on the shelf then there is maybe a 5% chance there is some in the backroom depending on what the item is!</p>
<p>i serve at a retirement center. nobody will probably get what im complaining about but w/e. </p>
<p>-my boss is SUCH AN AIRHEAD. although that is infinitely better than my last job, where my boss was verbally abusive and degrading ALL OF HTE TIME.
-the “supervisor” who is really just a PREP cook, is a complete **<strong><em>.
-i CANT STAND when CNAs try to sneak the room strays in without scraping all the food and trash and then get *</em></strong>ed off and offended and tell my boss im rude when i tell them they need to do it (like two days ago). im not being rude, im just not letting you get away with it.
-it is repetitive and can get extremely boring.
-when the CNAs disappear for 65 years and leave an old woman sitting in the dining room who is practically crying and telling me every 2 minutes to please get someone to take her back to her room! i dont really blame the CNAs cuz they have a lot to do but its still annoying because im SORRY im not allowed to take you back myself, i am currently cleaning, and i have no idea where the CNAs disappeared to i cant necessarily just go knocking on all the doors looking for them!</p>
<p>although besides that the residents are pretty entertaining and i like working with them, at least.</p>
<p>when I get an std</p>
<p>I remember DZ it was the best! then it closed :(</p>
<p>i work a a job doing inventory/mail room/box moving at a not-for-profit filled with smug manhattanites (most probably from liberal arts colleges). a lot of them are probably under the pretense that i don’t even go to college, yet if they knew which top university i attended they would be jocking me. it’s ridiculous. there are a few really cool and insightful people there, though. </p>
<p>also, working in an office is dreadful. i’ll have no regrets going through the med school track if it means that i won’t have to spend 20+ years in structured monotony.</p>