<p>So I kind of got this idea by the "weird pet peeves" thread seeing as how most of my pet peeves are job related. The number 1 thing I hate is parents who can't control their dang kids. I work in a grocery store and I see this ALL the time. Kids will run around the whole store, knocking stuff down and the parents (usually moms) will just stand there staring at the ketchup completely oblivious to what is going on. And I will never have the guts to tell my mom I hate her and she's a b*tch because she wouldn't buy me a piece of candy. Also I can't STAND lazy workers. Yeah I understand the job isn't the most glorious thing ever and that it's boring, but if you actually DO YOUR JOB and WORK, the time will go by a little more quickly since you'll be busy. It also doesn't help that my boss is an *sshole who suffers from short man syndrome and is OCD about how his store is ran.</p>
<p>Customers who order ther wrong thing and then yell at us saying its our fault. Also, my boss isn’t exactly my favorite person in the world. </p>
<p>I absolutely love it when someone looks at the line thats out the door and asks if they really have to stand in it if they are only getting one tiny thing. YES! YES YOU DO!</p>
<p>Basically just see the “why are customers so dumb?” thread for my list of reasons</p>
<p>I hate that people leave clothes in the dressing rooms. There is a rack like two feet away. Even worse when people don’t even bother putting the clothes back on the hangers. The just leave them lying on the floor of the dressing room, or they drape them on top of the rack. I can’t yell at them, but seriously ***. </p>
<p>And this is a weird one, but I hate customers who refuse to talk to me. I live near a pretty large enclave of extremely Orthodox Jews, and they aren’t allowed to talk to Gentiles. However, part of my job is greeting customers, and in order to make a purchase I need a phone number. Once an Orthodox woman even applied for a store credit card via pencil and pad. : (</p>
<p>I also hate when customers don’t talk to me. Honestly, how hard is it to respond to “Hi, how are you?”</p>
<p>Other things:</p>
<p>Finding CDs/DVDs/games in the wrong section (like a DVD in a gaming aisle)
Inconsistency with managers
Being yelled at for something that’s not my job (like a sign being wrong)</p>
<p>No, I can’t turn the music down.
No, I can’t change the fragrance strength of the store.
No, you can’t take more than 5 things into the fitting room.
No, that doesn’t come in a larger size.
No, if you are a guy you aren’t allowed to try on girl’s jeans.
No, we don’t sell anything black.
Yes, I realize how much that costs. Deal with it.</p>
<p>I’m a girl but I used to work at PacSun and it wasn’t all that uncommon for guys to come in and want really tight pants so they would try on the girls pants. I mean, generally they would want guys pants, but seriously, how sexist is it to not allow people of the opposite gender to try those clothes on?</p>
<p>No they aren’t, I agree. I was just saying that because they are both clothes stores. But anyway, who’s to say that the jeans won’t fit? And it’s still extremely sexist to not allow it. Are girls allowed to try on guys jeans?</p>
<p>I’ve never seen the situation arise. The no-girls-jeans-for-guys rule was impromptu made up one day after an incident, and it just kinda holds as a store “policy”.</p>
<p>Ay abby at least we agreein on this point hahaha im workin at a&f and i hate cleanin up the mess people always be leavin in the dressing room … i mean there suppose to give me everything if they dont want it but instead they just drop it on the floor its wack </p>
<p>I hate it there and I’m happily leaving in two weeks. My boss is the single dumbest person I’ve ever met. Seriously. I don’t know how he’s made it as far as he has; I guess he’s the walking example of dumb-luck. </p>
<p>On top of that he’s a conniving, greedy, cheap, two-faced, lying, sniveling, scheming little crook. </p>
<p>“I don’t need to worry about security on my site. Nobody would hack my site.”</p>
<p>Nothing but a series of facepalms with that man.</p>
<li>Can’t slack off since I’m doing research and I need to progress continuously</li>
<li>I hate having responsibilities. I want to just do my own thing.</li>
<li>Boring as hell.</li>
<li><p>when I say “Hi, how are you today?” and people just ignore me</p></li>
<li><p>when people don’t believe me when I say we don’t have any sizes in the back</p></li>
<p>Otherwise I’m actually really happy here. It’s SO much better than at my other job where the customers treated you like crap. Everyone wanted everything for free and when they didn’t get what they wanted they had to talk to a manager Plus no one knew how to read coupons- or they could and they would just try to take advantage of me and make it look like I didn’t know what I was doing. I would have people flat out lie about what they thought the price was. It was just stressful!</p>
<p>Well my job isn’t a typical teen/college student. But I hate when people take the elevator for only one or two floors. There’s 56 floors in the building people have places to go…take the damn stairs! ha ha</p>
<p>Yeah, my job now is exponentially better than my old job. It was at an printer cartridge refilling store. I had a knack for making cartridges blow up in my face. Also, the place was so dirty, and not just with ink, just crud. I also had to clean everything - the bathroom, the kitchen, I vacuumed everything, etc, just because I was the only girl working there and they were a bunch of sexists. Worst. Job. Ever.</p>
<p>I just got a new job at Chuck E Cheese: parents, I know you hate your kids but this isn’t a babysitting service, you must stay and not abandon them here. And no little Billy can’t just have the 10,000 ticket water gun when he has all of ten tickets saved up.</p>