What do you hate about your life?

<p>^ I second this one! :slight_smile: Lets all try to be positive</p>

<p>If we wanted to be positive, we wouldn’t be posting in a “what you hate about life” thread.</p>

<p>It’s okay to feel like life isn’t roses and sunshines and unicorns 100% of the time. To pretend otherwise is foolish and naive.</p>

<p>sincerely, incredibly naive 18 year old</p>

<p>I hate that I wasn’t born into a rich family</p>

<p>I hate my personality. I wish I were more outgoing</p>

<p>I hate that two of my children (18 and 21) have mental illness. If I could, I would take their illnesses for them.</p>

<p>I hate how ugly I am and I hate how it is so hard to find a gay partner because of it. </p>

<p>If only men were as emotional as women and not focused on the physical aspect of someone.</p>

<p>Don’t hate. Appreciate.</p>

<p>I hate that I can’t seem to land anything better than a menial job
 but what would I need to do to become a college admissions consultant?</p>

<p>I hate how easy it is for me to get disappointed with myself.</p>