What do you like and hate about Stanford?

<p>"but it also probably has the highest mean income and IQ of any college town"</p>

<p>True, but I don't think college students look for such things in a college town. A higher mean income just supports the fact that much of Palo Alto caters to people with six figure incomes and not college students.</p>

<p>"You are trying to study. You will get your first B or C ever."
I'm sure Stanford students aren't cooped up all day in their dorm rooms studying continuously. Every student needs entertainment and relaxation once in a while. First B or C ever?... umm, I'm not even responding to this statement.</p>

<p>Since when did this post turn into flaming princess dad?</p>

<p>"as regards to Berkeley being cheaper ...has a lower IQ (both on and off campus) and has "the dirty golden bear"</p>

<p>No one here is arguing/comparing the IQ of students from Berkeley or Stanford. Please stick to the topic of this post and have some respect for students at all universities.</p>

<p>^^ I ignored that comment since it was blatantly untrue and I assumed he was being facetious / just following the fun rivalry. :)</p>

<p>You don't know the Berkeley fight song?</p>

<p>"The dirty golden bear is loosing all his hair, his teeth are out, he's got the gout, he don't care what it is all about" "So take your dirty golden bear and shove him up your ..."</p>

<p>But. do look up the education of Berkeley and Palo Alto and the average income, etc. I was not talking about the "students" per se of Berkeley or Stanford; just the cities ... but the SATs, etc of Stanford are higher than Berkeley too.</p>


<p>x. the opportunities! Like the previous poster said, Stanford is full of amazing opportunities to meet incredible people (classmates, important figures through lectures, seminars, etc.) and do amazing, innovative research. Professors are generally really helpful and nice, especially if your interests intersect with theirs. For example, myself and 15 other students randomly get to go to a fancy dinner in PA with Madeline Albright in 2 weeks. Free! Free filet mignon and meeting Albright - that really makes Stanford for me. </p>

<p>x. classmates are doing incredible things. the weather is incredible. library has an EXTENSIVE DVD/VHS/video-game collection in addition to books. Yes, they have a PS3 in the basement of Green (the largest library), I think a Wii, and lots of old old video game consoles - you can check out a wide range of games (including Grand Theft Auto, etc. if you're into that) and play them in the library. They also have huge widescreen TVs on the walls where you can watch movies, TV shows, etc....after writing a huge research paper last quarter, I sat down for 3 hours of Sex and the City (I didn't want to have to think anymore!).</p>


<p>x. Definitely Palo Alto. Actually writing from a cafe right now. Incredibly boring, incredibly overpriced...sometimes I just want a break from campus, and PA is definitely not a break - or you have to shell out a fair bit of money to do that. The only useful public transportation is Marguerite, and Caltrain but that is expensive - 5 to Mt. View roundtrip and like 15 (???) to SF. Don't go to SF very often....Berkeley is definitely more happening and a much more exciting college town. Actually go there quite often...</p>

<p>I don't know about Madeline Albright, but I do hope my son gets to meet or have a course with Condi Rice. She has class.
Also hope I can play him on Halo 3 over the wire, if he's not too busy trying to make his first B or C.</p>


-Quarter system
-Late starting/ending year</p>

x. classmates are doing incredible things. the weather is incredible. library has an EXTENSIVE DVD/VHS/video-game collection in addition to books. Yes, they have a **PS3 in the basement of Green (the largest library), I think a Wii, **and lots of old old video game consoles - you can check out a wide range of games (including Grand Theft Auto, etc. if you're into that) and play them in the library. They also have huge widescreen TVs on the walls where you can watch movies, TV shows, etc....after writing a huge research paper last quarter, I sat down for 3 hours of Sex and the City (I didn't want to have to think anymore!).


<p>What!! I didn't know about this... I gotta check this out.</p>

<p>freshnup, out of curiosity, are you a Mom or a Dad?</p>

<p>@ pearlygate: yup they've got atari, wii, ps3, pong, etc...basically any system. It's in the video room</p>

<p>ebonytear, caltrain to SF is $5.75. We took one of those express one and it was less than 50 minutes from SF to PA.</p>