<p>wow this thread died a long time ago . . . who cares! </p>
<li>Dark brown, wavy, to the waist. </li>
<li>Dark brown eyes.</li>
<li>Very, very pale with red lips </li>
<li>Female </li>
<li>5'7", do some flamenco/Orissi dancing</li>
<li>curly black fro-like hair</li>
<li>brown eyes
3.eh, i have dark skin, it looks kind like i always have a tan
<li>6'5 188 lbs, "hillbilly"-egyptian oh and sometimes i wear glasses (the kind without rims)</li>
<p>EDIT, i am not really a "hillbilly" i just live in SE kentucky and my mom was born here and my dad was born in egypt, so i call myself a "hillbilly"</p>
<p>lol this looks like fun.
1. Black currrrllly hair..length is like at my armpits..lol
2. dark brown eyes
3. really tan
4. female
5. 5'6 or 5'7..im in shape, hour-glass figure
<p>1.) thick black hair...little below my shoulders
2.) dark brown eyes
3.) chocolate(not dark choco. but not white choco.)
4.) female (yes, I am a girl by the name of Private_Joker, lol)
5.) 5'3 (but it seems as if I'm growing again (finally), so my height might change.)
I am medium-sized (definitely not fat but not skinny)</p>
<li>light to medium brown hair which lightens ALOT during the summer</li>
<li>white with olive undertones... native american genes</li>
<li>I'm 5'7" but always feel really short</li>
<p>1.) thick stawberry blond hair, long waist-length.
2.) blue
3.) very fair and I get all freckly in the summer :-)
4.) female
5.) 5'6'', hour-glass</p>