what do you think my chances are?

<p>I'm a female from Maine, I go to the largest public high school in the state (though only 1300 students).</p>

<p>GPA of appx. 4.25 on a 4.33 scale (somewhere between an a+ and an a, i don't quite know. weighted is like 4.45, i think)</p>

<p>Out of somewhere around 320 students, I'm ranked 3rd, unoffically. </p>

<pre><code> I have taken the most rigorous course load available, APUSH last year (4 on test) and AP English and Calc BC this year. as my school has a block scedule (4 classes a day) it is impossible to take more than 4 APs a year and generally considered suicide to take more than 2. APUSH and APE are the only AP humanities offered, and as I plan to be an English major I didn't exactly see the need for AP Bio or Chem. Though comparitavly lacking in APs, I've always taken honors when offered and have taken the most difficult electives, not easy As.

<p>I've written a historical paper (appx. 2500 words in length) for National Histoy Day 8th-11th grades, placed first at states all but freshman year (2nd), and have won numerous other awards, including one at Nationals, connected to NHD. </p>

Fight Against Cancer Society- 2 yrs. VP this year
Amnesty International - 2 yrs.
NHS- 2 yrs. VP this year.
Natural Helpers- 2 yrs student leader this year.
Newspaper - 10&12, layout editor this year
Prom committee junior year
Student Counsel gr. 10
Soccer - all 4 yrs, varsity this year
Outdoor Track, 4 years</p>

<p>In what's left of my spare time, I volunteer at my local library.</p>

Honors English 9 Award
Global Village (kind of like a world cultures class) Award - gr 9
Government Award - gr 11
Columbia University Book award - gr 11
Outstanding school newspaper article from the New England Association of Student newspapers (I'm fairly certain that's the name of the association) - gr 10.
(in addition to 8 NHD awards)</p>

<p>I must say, I'm a very good writer (I don't mean to toot my own horn, but...well, you've all been in this position. you know what i mean. oh... and please don't judge on account of my horrible grammar and spelling on this post) and my teachers and guidance counselor love me and I'm sure of glowing letters of recommendation</p>

<p>oh, and...</p>

<p>SATS - 1850
640 critical reading
650 writing
560 math</p>

<p>Low, I know, but I'm retaking them and hoping to bring them up significantly.</p>

<p>Subject Tests -
Literature -680
US History - 790</p>

<p>Well, I'd say that if you are able to bump up your SATs a bit, Vassar could be a semi-reach to good fit for you. I know a few people at Vassar with scores on the reading and writing sections around yours, however, most people score higher on all three. In particular, your current math score is rather low for Vassar. That being said, you certainly have the grades, the classes, the extracurriculars, and the resume of a good candidate. As you currently stand, I would say that the school is a semi-reach to reach for you.</p>

<p>Like you think it's a semi-reach now, or once i get my SATs up (I'm aiming to break 2000, btw) it will be a semi-reach?</p>

<p>updated SAT scores - 2050
CR- 700
M- 700
W - 650</p>

<p>much more up to snuff, i think</p>


<p>oh, and I was just named to the Southern Maine Athletics Association All-Academic Soccer Team. (basically members of the girls’ varsity soccer teams in my althetic conference that are the top academic achievers on their respective teams)</p>

<p>I think you have a real good chance. Be creative with your free space on the application and stress your writing abilities !</p>

<p>With those updates, I would say that Vassar is now a semi-reach for you… your SAT score is much more aligned with the rest of your stats (which are that of a competitive candidate) and puts you closer to the 50% mark of accepted students.</p>