What does deficiencies mean on the Ariz site?

<p>On the site it says:</p>

<p>Applicants must have an unweighted overall grade point average of 2.0 (A=4.0) in each subject area and may not have more than two deficiencies. Students may not have deficiencies in both math and laboratory science or in the same subject area. </p>

<p>Does deficiencies mean grades of D’s or F’s? or subject requirements?</p>

<p>As far as I know defiency is just the same everywhere in the US.</p>

<p>Deficiency means below the minimum passing requirement of C. So even C- is considered as deficient.</p>

<p>Your overall GPA cant be below 2.0 twice, otherwise it'll be considered as deficient and you'll pretty much be kicked out of school.
And by twice I mean per semester.</p>

<p>I think here it means that you have to have all the prerequisite classes, like enough years of math in high school. Our son had only 3 years, but had finished Pre-Calc, so I think it didn't count as a "deficiency".</p>

<p>usually its pertains to math</p>

<p>Yeah you're probably missing some core subject required for admit...like for UT Austin you had to have precalc or above to get in to engineering.</p>