What does "high stats" mean at UA?

<p>I keep hearing that Alabama really makes the high stats kids feel wanted, and the school provides a personal touch to attract these students. In that context, what are high stats? Someone who just qualifies for the honors college, a NMF, or somewhere in between? I know a couple kids who’ve gotten the royal treatment (both before they decided to attend and after they arrived as freshmen), but they were both NMF. What should a student with a 28-30 ACT expect?</p>

<p>Not sure what the GPA is like for the person you have in mind, but such an ACT score would definitely make one eligible for a signficant scholarship. The UA website scholarship page offers very detailed info about this.</p>

<p>Students with a 28-30 on the ACT are eligible for the same programs as the kid who has those high stats. The computer-based honors program has students whose ACT is at 28, as well as others at 36. The same is true for University Fellows.</p>

<p>My son is a NM and a member of CBHP. He received the same correspondence from the school as his friend (who is a year behind him) got. His friend knew about the same honors programs. He got a smaller scholarship, and eventually decided to attend a school in his home state. But his friend liked that the school really made him feel important.</p>

<p>Ironically, the school that he attends, it never contacted my son.</p>

<p>My D is in the 28-30 range but not NMF and it seems like UA has done more recruiting than our in-state choice, UGA. I don’t know if UGA just doesn’t do much recruiting but she definitely feels like UA is doing more to recruit her than UGA.</p>

<p>we got tons of mailings and attention from UA and nothing from our two instate flagships.</p>

<p>i wish i got mailings from them :(</p>


<h2>haven’t you applied yet?</h2>

<p>*I keep hearing that Alabama really makes the high stats kids feel wanted, and the school provides a personal touch to attract these students. In that context, what are high stats? Someone who just qualifies for the honors college, a NMF, or somewhere in between? I know a couple kids who’ve gotten the royal treatment (both before they decided to attend and after they arrived as freshmen), but they were both NMF. What should a student with a 28-30 ACT expect? *</p>

<p>Since any student with an ACT 28 qualifies for honors, they have access to everything…honors college, honors housing, priority registration, etc. </p>

<p>Really, once you’re in honors, no one knows what your personal score is. LOL</p>

<p>Is your child waiting for new scores? Is that why you’ve given an ACT range?</p>

<p>BTW…if your child is looking for scholarships, the last SAT exam Bama accepts for scholarships is in November, so sign up for that. It’s sometimes easier to get the req’d M+CR SAT for scholarships than it is to get the needed ACT.</p>

<p>EDITED TO ADD…I see that your D is a junior. :slight_smile: So, she’s got a whole year for great scores!!! But again, have her also take the SAT…some do better with that.</p>

<p>Does she take the PSAT this week?</p>

<p>M2CK: yes, she’s taking the PSAT today. The reason I asked the question is that UA is on D’s list but not at the top, although I think it could be perfect for her. I’m hoping that the personal touch during the admissions process will bump it up on the list, as I’ve heard so many others say that’s what sold them.</p>

<p>Bama wants you, Siglio21!</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom…</p>

<p>Are you going to do a campus visit sometime in the Spring?</p>

<p>M2CK - thanks for your always helpful information. We’re hoping to do a visit during one of her long weekends during 2nd semester. It’ll probably be winter (maybe President’s Day weekend) rather than spring, although if I hear spring is a much better time to go, I can probably make that happen - I think they have a long weekend right after their state testing in April. If she’s able to play a round of golf in Tuscaloosa in February, when there’s snow on the ground here, that might help.</p>

<p>Don’t know if there will be tours on President’s Weekend. (Don’t go by the online computer, I don’t think it’s been updated. It’s showing tours on CSDay and I know that they don’t do tours on THAT day…LOL.)</p>

<p>Spring is a nice time to go, the trees are coming back to life… :)</p>

<p>*If she’s able to play a round of golf in Tuscaloosa in February, when there’s snow on the ground here, that might help. *</p>

<p>Yes, that would be an incentive…those who love to golf appreciate the more moderate climates!</p>

<p>Others…do you know when CBH/UFE interviews were last year? Was it Presidents Weekend or the following weekend? I wouldn’t recommend visiting during Interview Weekend because the Honors personnel are crazy-busy with 100 interviewees during that entire weekend. So, we need to find out when Interview Weekend is.</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshman this year. Presidential scholar but not NMF. UA was on the top of the “parent” list due to scholarships but not highly ranked on her list, until she went to Capstone Weekend. On our first drive through the campus she became extremely excited, you could see it on her face. By the end of the first Capstone session she declared “this is where I am going, pay the deposit”. No regrets on her part, she loves it and is doing well. Definately have your child do a visit and also attend the Capstone event (I think for HS Seniors). The Capstone event really put into perspective for my d on the great many opportunities available to the students in the Honors College. D is not CBH or Fellows, but there are many other opportunities to pursue activities that interest you. Capstone was excellent for selling the academic programs available, the high level of academic achievement expected and the current academic talent that UA is able to attract. This event did a very good job at selling a high achieving student on the academic opportunities and I think, they were as impressive, if not more so, than some of the Ivies we visited.</p>

<p>When we were on campus last Friday, Dr. Sharpe said that the tentative date for the CBH Interview weekend is the last weekend of February.</p>

<p>i got them to send a huge folder with fancy brochures and “capstone engineer”…but i was kinda hoping that they would send me stuff on their own accord lol…im not applying to any of the colleges that do send me stuff, go figure</p>

<p>Oh, they will start sending you stuff…just you see…your mailbox will have something in it about once a week…LOL</p>