What does this email from the UC center mean?

I needed to update my 12th year in progress coursework for my UC application and I sent it to the email I thought I had to send it to but it turns out I had to send it to a different email.

I also received this part:

“Make sure to include your full name, date of birth, and your UC application ID number. Any documentation beyond the body of your email, that includes the information above, must be in the form of an attachment.”

But I don’t understand the documentation part. I was thinking of typing my updated grades onto the email but do i instead need to type on a word doc or some sort and then attach it to the email? Or will just typing the grades right onto the email be fine?

Basically how do I format my letter?
I was thinking something along the lines of:

App No.
Updated coursework

It sounds like they want an unofficial transcript of your Senior coursework. Is there some documentation you can get from your counselor?

No. Because I already graduated(I went to a Japanese high school so seniors graduate in the spring), I can now only get official transcripts.

It also says the word “BEYOND the body of your email, including the information above…” so couldn’t my updated coursework be part of the body of the email?
Would it be bad if I sent the email that way?
I also informed each UC I applied to individually just in case.

Oh wai @Gumbymom by unofficial transcripts, it could just be photo copies or scans of my official transcripts?

@Lunareclipse4: Yes, you could upload photo copies or scans

@Gumbymom So do you think this format will be fine?

I would like to update my senior coursework…the following is my information and documentation
UC App no.:

(And then attach my high school transcript which is from the 10th grade to 12th grade right here)


Thank you so much for your help @Gumbymom !!

Looks good.