What EC's did you take that helped you get admitted? Did you take 2 or less EC's and still get in?

<p>I just want to know because I want to apply to some UC’s (UK student), my priority is UCLA. I don’t do any ECs but I used to be on a Netball Team. I only do Air Cadets which is based on being in the RAF and military, do you think that will help my chances? I also plan to do horse riding ( haha!)</p>


<p>Anybody going to answer?</p>

<p>Although there seems to be a trend of applicants having a laundry list of ECs, I think it’s just as effective, if not more so, to have one or two ECs the applicant has pursued in depth. My daughter got in to both the UCs she applied for with band as her one real EC - she also used her essay to talk about how band had helped her focus and improve her academic performance. If I were an admissions counselor I would be suspicious of a list of ECs as long as my arm - looks like collecting ECs for the sole purpose of looking good on an application. </p>

<p>I agree with @corgigirl: If you focus on one or two EC’s and do them consistently throughout HS school, it will look more impressive the being a member of 10 different clubs. Also do not start participating in a bunch of new organizations your Senior year, just to pad your application, since this will send a red flag to admissions. Do what you enjoy.</p>

<p>@iNichole14 </p>

<p>Did you realize that the cost of attendance at UCLA for international students is $56,242 per year? That only includes an allowance of $582 for travel which is way too low for a student flying in from the UK. Some of the other UC campuses may be very slightly cheaper but they will be in the same ballpark price wise.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/International.pdf”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/International.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Back when, I had some ECs but not that many and got into two Ivy League schools. Probably math and science leagues, varsity team in two sports for one year each, and a language club.</p>

<p>However, I was applying as a female to an engineering program, so that is a hook.</p>

<p>My feeling now is that most kids aspiring to top colleges should have one or two strong ECs, and several other ECs.</p>

<p>It’s an interesting question. Honestly, for really selective schools, I don’t think anyone can tell you that. “If I hadn’t jointed that club, UCLA would have bounced me”. The fact is, the admitted student doesn’t know what tipped the scales in their favor. More isn’t necessarily better. It has a lot to do with how you present it. (and FYI - they do spot check). They consider a lot of factors and they trade off grades/EC for other experiences. Sailing around the world would make you stand out but, wouldn’t be a traditional EC. Coming from a rough part of town and being the first in your family to attend college goes a long way too. </p>

<p>If you are an applicant with 75th percentile GPA and SAT - your EC and personal story can be shorter. If you are a 25th percentile applicant, you are going to need something truly compelling. (an Olympic medal would be good).
<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof14.htm”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof14.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That link shows the admitted student profile and should help give you a feel for how much you need to stand out in other ways. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>