What else should i do?

<p>Ok, i’m a new junior, and I’m really interested in UPenn right now.</p>

<p>So right now, I have a 3.7 (or thereabouts) gpa weighted, but i expect it to rise a lot since i’m taking 5 out of 6 weighted class this year.</p>

<p>I’m taking 3 APs this year (Stat, US History, and Chem) and 4 next year and I’ve taken Bio (3) and Comp Sci (5).</p>

<p>I took the PSAT last year as a sophomore and got a 198 combined, so that’s not too bad, huh? I’ll post once I take it and get scores back this year.</p>

<p>For EC’s, I don’t have much, but I’ve played piano for 9 years, saxophone for 6, bass for 3, and guitar for 1, and I’m learning harmonica and viola right now. I have about 70 hours of volunteer/comm. service hours and I’m going to be getting a lot more these next 2 years. I’m in the Earth Club, the Christian Club, the Math Club, and another comm. service one that my friend started. I play piano at my church, and I’ve written many of my own songs, along with beginning my own classical concerto. I’m also on the science bowl at my school. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I did that for about 5 years.</p>

<p>I’m also taking the Math 2C, US History, and Chem SATII’s this year, and more next year.</p>

<p>But basically, how do you think my stuff should be, like GPA/SAT/SATII/ACT if I want to have a good shot (or even like definite in) at U Penn? And how much more volunteer work should I do, or will it just seem like desparation at this point?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for anything.</p>