what exactly is a "hook"?

<p>i've heard many people talk about a "hook" and am wondering what exactly this is. i know it's something that makes you stand out, but does everyone have one? because obviously if everyone had one, no one would stand out. what are some examples of "hooks"? thanks!</p>

<p>Some examples of hooks:</p>

<p>-Doing an internship
-Being Black
-Making a poetic statement by not capitalizing the first letters of your sentences.</p>

<p>haha, i did that one and left the spaces out of a standardized test critical reading response that was “not graded on grammar”. an internship is definitely something i’ll look into this summer, thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Classic hooks are legacy status, development potential, athletic talent, artistic talent, national/international award winner, socioeconomic diversity, etc.</p>

<p>everything you could possibly want to know here:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/144779-hookology-101-special-college-applicant-qualities-admissions-advantages.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/parents-forum/144779-hookology-101-special-college-applicant-qualities-admissions-advantages.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;