<p>Oh dear semiconductor. This is one interesting mess we have.
Right now the US is not graduating as many engineers as we need to. Industry is having heart failure over this. Ive talked to high ups at companies, and they are starting to panic at the thought of there not being a large pool of engineers.
Engineering really is cool. It is the pratical aplication of math and science. It is design. It is so much I just cant begin. pretty much everything you use in some way has been touched by an engineer. your computer, your desk, your chair. engineers do a ton. There is so much diversity within the feild it is amazing. I though i knew how deep the rabit hole went untill I dove in. Now I am still unsure. But I figure i can do pretty much anything I want to do with my degree. And Im probably going to grad school. </p>
<p>yes, Im a nerd. .and I love engineering.
and yes, I am brainwashed. How I learned to stop careing and learning to love the Phoneix.</p>