what happened to me

<p>i used to use cc alot but since like last month i havent gotten a single pm or commented on many threads. im not trying to complain but im like not addicted anymore</p>

<p>Are you a guy or girl?</p>

<p>EDIT: It's quite obvious...I'll be sending you a PM shortly.</p>

<p>addicted or obsessed with getting into a singular school? Those would be two different items. BTW did you gain admission?</p>

<p>I find most threads on CC boring these days. I guess things will liven up this fall when I begin applying to schools.</p>

<p>^same. I used to be a cc regular - nearly an addict. But now it's all boring with all these weird immature new people.. hint hint Jonathan K.</p>

<p>Ever since I got accepted and rejected to colleges, I haven't been addicted. I just come here now and then.</p>

<p>I have to apply to colleges this fall...anyone wanna help me write my essays. I suck at writing.</p>

<p>ill proof read it for u- im good at writing....even tho i hate it at times</p>

<p>Believe me...you don't wanna offer your proofreading services to me...reading my stuff will make you lose your insanity</p>

<p>I'll read them..I want to edit articles/books/whatever for the rest of my life.</p>

<p>And I totally own at grammar (I guess everyone has to be good at something lol). :)</p>

<p>haha...I think my English teacher is really crazy...read this paper...and tell me what grade I deserve (0 to 100)...once you predict my score...I'll tell you what I really got....it's interesting if you're into pop culture...mostly sports though</p>

<p><a href="http://www.thekidscareya.com/Research.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.thekidscareya.com/Research.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>It's pretty good except for a few little grammar/style things and the fact that most of the little anecdotal paragraphs don't really include evaluative commentary, you know? And the solution could be more detailed, especially the part about the United Nations.</p>

<p>i dont like the font. its too big. i like size 12. and underline or bold or italicize the title! make it pretty lol.</p>

<p>Second paragraph...starting with For example is a no-no. The paragraph should be able to stand on its on. A good topic sentence is key.</p>

<p>Maybe use better adjectives...Strong is kind of blah. etc.</p>

<p>3rd paragraph first sentence is a little better, but dont disclose so much in the first sentence if possible.</p>

<p>I noticed the pattern of asking a question. " Why........." Maybe in the third paragraph you could say, " One might wonder as to why the young police officers didn't arrest Conseco". </p>

<p>4th paragraph...if the number is less than 100 you write it out. it wouldn't be 19 year old, it would be <em>nineteen-year old</em></p>

<p>Not to be a broken record,i dont know if your teacher cares about this, but topic sentences!!!!! </p>

<p>i just skimmed the rest. All i can suggest is maybe scan through and see if some of the words could be replaced by better, more sound word-choices. </p>

<p>Good luck, can;t really give you a grade because I dont know what the rubric is. However, the point came across, it could be a solid B.</p>



<p>Oh you already handed this in...oops i wasted a lot of time. well now you know stuff for the future lol.</p>

<p>i liked it- its worthy of at least a B

<p>That's not true about the less-than-100 rule you said, GreenDay..</p>

<p>If you're using MLA style, any number that's one word should be written out (this would be one through twenty). 21 wouldn't be, etc.</p>

<p>If you're using Associated Press (AP) style, any number ten or less should be written out.</p>

<p>Oops my mistake, but for MLA fifteen should still be written out</p>

<p>yep--one through twenty. haha</p>

<p>Dammit..my English teacher is right I guess...I thought she was crazy...86 in case youre wondering.</p>