What happened to the 250-word essay about extracurriculars?

I read an article (published in September) about Purdue having three essays: Two 100-word ones and then a 250-word one. On the Common Application, I only see the first two 100-word prompts; the 250 word one about extracurriculars is absent. I am looking under the “writing” section in the school-specific tab. My line of thought is that perhaps they only require it on the Coalition application because they do not feel the shortened 500 word “main” essay is as comprehensive as the 650 one on the common app, but I would like someone to clear this up for certain.

It’s a bit hidden. You have to look under the Activities tab, rather than the writing tab. It’s also not marked as required, which makes it easy to miss.

I called and they said the activities essay was NOT required

Thank you skiphopskippy, I found it!

Although it is clearly not required, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t fill it out – it’s a pretty simple question and provides them with a ton more info than the one or two sentence activity summary in the common app.