What if CC was one huge highschool?

<p>That's nice...</p>

<p>lablondie, it seems like you hold a special place in every guy's heart here on CC.</p>

-Every school varsity team is state or national champions.


<p>def not. athletes in CC sucks, cause majority of kids are just nerds playing sports for college app. i can tell it from track/cross country times. i mean, what kind of state/nation allow a kid with a mile time of 6-7 min to win? i run 4:19, but cant even get anywhere.</p>

<p>this school exists in cambridge, MA</p>

<p>This school would suck. People need to get out more.... As smart and hardworking as all of you are, there are a lot of freaking great people who aren't good at school. They generally tend to have lives, and so they get out a lot more, which gives them a lot of wisdom that many CCers probably don't have.</p>

<p>Haha, so I've never actually seen anyone who's fit the "CC stereotype" in any way so far.</p>

<p>Going to CC high school would be considered equally challenging and glorious as going to HYPS. It might just evolve into a CC university, which really makes no sense. Multiple psychologist would be watching us to see what happens in a place where people are under so much pressure and stress. Also, we'd all be expected to live no more than 50 with our level of stress. Everyone would have white hair.</p>

<p>omg, we would def have surveilance out the ying yang.... zoloft and prozac would be sold in the vending machines, so we could take them during lunch... that's if we decided to take it, and not another AP....</p>

<p>I'd go there over my high school...my high school is so academically...insert word here that describes abysmal performance</p>

<p>"zoloft and prozac would be sold in the vending machines"</p>



<p>then it would be quite a bragging opportunity to be valedictorian, like literally.</p>

<p>Someone who fits the CC stereotype PERFECTLY is : Masterus</p>

<p>If there's a CC high school, there should be a CC middle school too. :)</p>

<p>I wouldn't go to it though. Too many geeks. ihh.</p>

<p>dude yeah, imagine being the valedictorian of this ****hole</p>

<p>haha I could just imagine some kid with huge glasses and nasal spray in his hand and he would sitting in a corner reading some thick science book.</p>


<p>Actually, CC High sounds just like my high school.</p>

<p>The person at the bottom of his/her class would get into Georgetown or Bowdoin, at least.</p>

<p>No, we'd be good at country-club sports like tennis. Alot of the kids on here are loaded.</p>

<p>We'd suck at football and ice hockey though</p>

<p>"99.99898987969!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHH!!!!! What happened to the 0.0010101204 points?!?!!?!?!?!"</p>

<p>"I ONLY have 107 points out of 100, am I screwed?!?!?!"</p>

<p>More like "I only have 5 patents, am i screwed!?!"</p>