What if the very top colleges gave full rides to everyone?

<p>There are a few colleges (HYPMS) that could probably give every student a full ride or at least a full tuition scholarship and still have a growing endowment. What do you guys think about the pros and cons if they did such a thing? Is it a possibility in the future?</p>

<p>I can see them giving the full ride to more kids from the middle class, with family income up to $150K perhaps. But it seems crazy (a PR nightmare, for one thing) to give a free education to a millionaire’s kid, and of course there are a lot of those.</p>

<p>There would be an increased competition for top tier schools, even higher than the record lows of recent years. If anyone had the possibility to attend HYPMS with profoundly outstanding academic performance alone, more students would apply, and try harder. I feel like a lot of people are scared of high college fees.</p>