What is best way to show past out-of-state residences?

<p>My daughter is a California native; we moved to Hong Kong when she was 2 months old, returing when she was 3; then lived in Singapore when she was 9 and 10. What does she show for length of time in California? She said she had to show she had moved back here in 2001, but I think all she needs to do is say she has lived here all along. What is the best way to show this information? This also affects what she shows for how long I’ve lived in California.

<p>Why would you say she lived in California all along when she lived in Hong Kong for three years and Singapore for one? It wouldn't count against you to admit she moved out of state for awhile. If her guardians and her have lived in California and paid California income taxes the last year (or two years) then she is eligible for instate tuition. (Exact requirements are on the University of California website.) Living in a foreign country when she was younger might even be a plus, especially if she'd like to mention it in her essay. The only thing omitting all her out of state moves would do would set her up for possibly getting rejected if the University happens to find out and assumed she lied on the application.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input; we've been back from Singapore for almost 6 years, so we definitely meet the requirement for paying California taxes the past two years.</p>

<p>Yeah, you are good on eligibility. And you get no extra points for living in California longer, so might as well go with the 6 years.</p>