What is considered a good GPA at Harvard?

<p>I was wondering what a good GPA at Yale is considered to be. Does anyone have any statistics on the mean GPA for undergraduates at Yale.</p>

<p>I would assume that anywhere from a 3.3 to 3.4 would be the mean/median GPA however I may be wrong.</p>

<p>you mean harvard?</p>

<p>i think I saw somewhere that harvard’s average GPA is 3.53</p>

<p>i think if you have a 3.7 or higher, then you’re doing really well (b/c it’s very very hard to get a 4.0, even a 3.9, at harvard, from what i’ve heard… but all this is just what i’ve heard… someone confirm?)</p>

<p>^^ lol gee shows how genuinely interested you are in HARVARD when you write Yale in the question</p>

<p>he probably copied and pasted from a yale thread.</p>

<p>yeah, truth</p>