I was wondering what my chances of getting into CSUN would be, based on my info
- I am considered local
-3.6 GPA
-applied for impacted major (Psychology)
ACT composite score: 22
SAT total score: 1,020
Also, if anyone knows by any chance when admission decisions will be out for Fall 2018, please let me know… a lot of my peers have already recieved info and I still haven’t, which really worries me
Thank you !
you’ll get in because ur local
@nicomar you have a great chance to get in, especially if you are local. 
You should be fine as you are a local. I am also a psychology major and my advice to you is just keep on top of admissions and deliver your transcripts in person if you can. Acceptances usually come in April (for me it was early May due to a computer error which thought I was a non local and they rejected me at first until I went to admissions and had it straightened it out).