What is the best way to organize a Sellery dorm room?

I got placed into a two-window Sellery dorm and I am wondering what is the best way to organize it. Ideally, I would like to have some sort of futon/seating, as I plan to have guests over (some overnight, some just to hang out). I have hesitations about bunking the beds, as I don’t want to disturb my roommate’s sleep or have her disturb mine, but I’m not ruling it out. Any experience/general tips are welcome :slight_smile:

My Sellery kid and roommate lofted their beds to start with, put their desks underneath the bed, and used dresser tops to hold entertainment stuff. They did have a basic, Target futon in the room. After a month or so, they decided lofting was a pain, and they lined their beds up on one side of the room – imagine a row of two beds – put the dressers inside the closets (they fit) and had room for futon and entertainment plus the 2 desks. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked.