What is the Blue Book??

<p>What's this blue book everyone talks about?</p>



<p>its the official college board SAT Prep book, it's written by them. look it up on collegeboard.com</p>

<p>yeah.. its a pretty useful book and has a few practice tests in it so be sure to get it..</p>

<p>The best part about it is that it is written by the college board - the testmakers themselves. SO YOU KONW THE QUESTIONS WONT BE TOO HARD OR TOO EASY.</p>

<p>Official SAT study guide</p>

<p>go to collegeboard.com to order it. it costs $19.95 last time I checked</p>

<p>or go to ur local library and check out one for free. ^_^</p>

<p>^ that's an even better idea.</p>