What is the meaning of a "Varsity Sport" in college admissions?

<p>ok ok ok, I know how dumb the title makes me sound, but its pretty misleading, I DO in fact play sports... so I'm not "retarded"</p>

<p>my question is: for college admissions, does "playing a varsity sport" mean your were ON the varsity team, or simply that there was a varsity team available; as opposed to a non-school sport or some other "sport" that doesn't have a varsity team. </p>

<p>Cuz I put I played "Varsity baseball for 3 years" even though I wasn't actually on the Varsity team all 3 years... just want to know how colleges interpret this stuff...</p>

<p>I don't want the colleges to think I was trying to mislead them</p>

<p>Assuming you are using this as an extracurricular activity, then phrase it HS Baseball, 3 years.
It’s practically the same effort for JV as Varsity, so just not calling it out either way makes the most sense.</p>

<p>oops. haha… is it a big enough deal where I should call them and let them know?? Cuz I already sent everything in… like way back in November…</p>

<p>I’m just second guessing myself because I still haven’t heard</p>

<p>If you played on the JV team, you should say JV. If you played on the Varsity team, then you should say Varsity. Saying you played on the Varsity team for 3 years when you didn’t is a lie.</p>

<p>For example, you should list your sports as:</p>

<p>JV Baseball–Grades 9 & 10
V Baseball-Grades 11 & 12</p>

<p>In the long run, it probably won’t matter (doesn’t sound like you’re planning on being a recruited athlete).
It was wrong to state that you played Varsity for 3 years when you didn’t.</p>

<p>Why would you say varsity then if you didn’t play varsity? Honestly it sounds misleading to me. On my applications I put, for example: JV Volleyball, grades 9 and 10. Varsity volleyball, grades 11 and 12, captain grade 12.</p>

<p>^^ I’d always thought that a “Varsity Sport” meant only that there was a varsity TEAM, as if to prove it was a real sport or something haha.</p>

<p>The reason I thought this was because my HS refers to any level of sport (as long as it has a varsity team) as a Varsity sport (I.E. Varsity baseball)
They did this because if you play 3 years of a “varsity sport” (any level) you qualify for some P.E. waivers if you couldn’t fill all the requirements for PE.</p>

<p>I think everyone knows the difference between playing on a Varsity team and playing on a JV team. Your logic in justifying your attempts to portray yourself on the application as a 3-year Varsity player doesn’t hold true. </p>

<p>As I mentioned earlier, it probably won’t matter. However, it was wrong to imply that you played varsity sports for 3 years.</p>

<p>Ok, well bummer. It was an honest mistake. Oh well. </p>

<p>Even though “technically” I was the V-squad for the 3 years, cuz my first year I was with them for playoffs…</p>

<p>Technically, most high school varsity teams pull up a few JV kids for the playoffs. They’re not there to play. They are there in case of surprise injuries to the Varsity players. They are not considered Varsity players.</p>