What is the next best step to get into the engineering program?

<p>Our daughter was accepted into the math program at VT. She applied for EE. She took Calculus her soph. Year ( first one at her school). She ran into issues with hospitalization for asthma and pneumonia, causing her to miss quite a few days of school during her junior year. This knocked down her GPA to some degree.<br>
She was accepted into the EE program at Drexel, but not VT.
She is in the midst of doing at internship under EE's and the owner of an electrical engineering firm. She takes honors physics and is doing very well.
She received 17,000 per year at VT.
Our question: Can she meet with an advisor in the EE program at VT and see if she could take the courses, then apply to the Eng school?
Or, take some Calc and Physics this summer, do the STEP program, then apply?<br>
Thank you for the advice. We plan on calling VT in the next several days, but not sure who to call...</p>

<p>Here are two links describing the process of changing major to Engineering for admitted students. I imagine this is the same information the Admissions folks will refer you too given many are in the same situation.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/_files/undergraduate/pdf_COM_Requirements_Policies.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors/undergrad-into-engineering.html”>http://www.enge.vt.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-changing-majors/undergrad-into-engineering.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;