What is the reputation of CS, Engineering and premed at GWU?

DS is a rising senior who is interested in the afore mentioned fields. I googled and searched on this board but haven’t found much useful information.


GW isn’t really known for STEM. It’s also very expensive (tuition and cost of living). I would advise against attending for someone interested in STEM unless you get good merit from the school or have a some pressing need to be in DC.

Thank you!

Would your son be going to the Foggy Bottom campus? I don’t know anything about GWU, so don’t read much into this, but I just walked through that campus a couple of hours ago and was unimpressed. Not that campus attractiveness is a #1 priority, of course, but…maybe the Mt Vernon campus is prettier.


Thank you all! This made the decision very easy! No need to visit and paying for such an expensive school! GWU is now off the list! :slight_smile:

It’s not the most known for STEM, but the school is investing into programs now. In the next few years, GWU might be more competitive like schools like BU.

Agreed that GW isn’t “known” for its STEM fields, but the University has injected MILLIONS into the department over the last decade trying to improve. Look at the new Science and Engineering Hall… beautiful facility. GW has also been hiring “bigger names” for faculty to attract students.

GW’s premed program is very good- I know several people that have gone through and are now doctors. I think the big factor is that many MD’s are on faculty and teaching some of these courses. Further, there are LOTS of internship opportunities given there is a hospital on campus. I think it’s a great school for someone pursuing health care.

I’m not sure that taking GW off the list is the best idea. GW is very much pushing its STEM programs, and they have been around for a long time. I have friends who graduated from the GW engineering program decades ago and they are doing quite well. Depending on your scenario, your student may have more opportunities at GWU than other places because of the funding the programs are getting. And there are a number of great internship opportunities through places like the Smithsonian, or many military engineering applications. Their pre-med is better than many schools because of their own med school and proximity of the GWU hospital. And there are more CS opportunities in the DC area than anywhere else except the Bay area. Sometimes it seems like DC is split evenly between the IT folks and the lawyers.

Agreed with @candjsdad and @NHuffer

Additionally, GW’s new school president was a former STEM professor for many years and I think one of the reasons they chose him was to push STEM.