What is the university of miami like

<p>I am very interested in going to this school. Can someone tell me what it is like and how the environment is like? Ive read that this is a big party school. Is this true? And would i be able to fit in since im not that big of a party person?
Thank you.</p>

<p>Please, please look through this forum before posting the same thread three times. If you take the time to look, your question will be answered in as many ways as you can think from just as many different different points of view.</p>

<p>Why dont you answer the ■■■■■■■ question before stalking my profile.</p>

<p>I didn’t stalk your profile, and frankly, I’m kinda tired of answering the same question over and over again. This is a question that has been asked waaaaay too many times on this Florida, and all I’m saying is that a simple forum search will provide the answer. But, to answer for the millionth time, it’s no more of a party school than any other college in the country. Is there partying? Yes. Is it a pervasive culture that you can’t get away from to have fun? No. There are so many things to do around campus and around the area that don’t involve the party scene. Most people who suggest that the school is a “party school” are stuck in the days of Suntan U back in the '80s when rich white kids went to school to drink and have fun in the sun. The quality of the school has drastically improved since then, and this is reflected in the quality of students. I really didn’t mean any offense in my post, I just wish people would use the resources of this forum. Hope this helped.</p>

<p>Hi! I’m going to be a freshman next month and looking into the U already puts you in a good position! I’ve been to campus once in April and it was AMAZING! You can look in my profile for pics I posted. It was already my first choice before visiting, but the environment was so breathtaking it took me right away lol. But if I were to describe the environment in a couple words…
-athletic feel (beach volleyball courts, stellar rec/gym building)
-like you’re at a resort!!!</p>

<p>I’ve heard that it is a party school and no doubt! But I’m still new so can’t provide a lot of insight. However, I went to a send off program last week and talked to two current students. They’re really into theater and have no interest in partying and they have never felt like partying was a super huge force on campus. There are a lot of nonpartyers. Just find your niche and you’re set! </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>It kind of sounds like the quintessential college experience in a big city with good weather. Dorm life, Greek life, big sports, school spirit, great medical school/teaching hospital, students from all over. It is in Miami, so like USC in LA, you’re going to get some of that lifestyle. </p>