what is this tv show called?

<p>I remember watching it a long time ago, but I can't remember the name of it. It has a silver car (cop car I think, can't really remember). This car is bulletproof and is equipped with hidden weapons. You have to press a button for the weapons to come out on the sides of the car and it will fire. I think the car is called viper or something (really hard for me to remember). Does anyone have any idea what this show is called?</p>

<p>Night Rider?</p>

<p>Shoot, I'm pretty sure I know what show you're talking about, but I can't recall it's name.</p>

<p>It's not Knight Rider because the car in that was black and called Kitt.</p>

<p>There was a silver Night Rider at some point. Might have just been a movie though...</p>

<p>Are you sure its not the show 'Viper'?</p>

<p>Yeah. I think it was called Viper. I found this:</p>

<p>Viper</a> | TV Show</p>

<p>Haha I remember that show... so ridiculous.</p>

<p>But yea the show is named after the car - Viper.</p>