What is university of alabama like?

<p>Hi I am a senior from Alaska. Even though my test scores aren’t that great, I can get a lot of scholarships for this school. So I am really considering attending the university of Alabama. </p>

<p>Some things that I’m a little worried about:

  1. I am Asian and the Asian diversity for this school on collegeboard is 1%. I’ve heard some things about Alabama being a racist hot spot(although I’m sure it’s not true). Would I fit in with people? I don’t really feel left out at my high school in Alaska(aside from frequent racist jokes from my close friends), but I have no idea what Alabama will be like.<br>
    2)I heard that it gets hoott in the summer in Alabama. Being from Alaska, one thing I cannot stand is HUMID HOT. If I start getting sticky from the whether I’ll die from heat stroke. What is the whether like?
    3)How is the music programs in the school? Although I will be an engineering major, I’d like to join some sort of singing groups(like a capella or glee). Do you guys have that stuff?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Okay, if you are a Senior…Quickly, Now, Today, get online and submit your application…the deadline for scholarships is December 1st. Don’t worry the application is five minutes easy so SUBMIT TODAY!!! You must go have your transcript and scores sent as well.</p>

<p>Application Link:
[How</a> to Apply - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/apply/]How”>Apply – Scholarships | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>See scholarship link for more info on scholarship types:
[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html]Out-of-State”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html)</p>

<p>and faqs link about scholarships:
[FAQ</a> - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/faq/]FAQ”>Frequently Asked Questions – Scholarships | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Pay particular attention to this quoted from faq’s</p>

<p>Do I have to be admitted in order to complete the scholarship application?
No. You do not have to be admitted. However, you do need to have already completed and submitted the general admissions application.</p>

<p>and this quoted from faq’s
How can I be considered for scholarships?
As an entering freshman (applying for the Fall semester following your senior year of high school), you will need to send a completed application for admission, official high school transcript (grades 9-11), official ACT or SAT scores, application fee, and the completed scholarship section of the application for admission by December 1 of your senior year in high school.</p>

<p>Again December 1st Deadline…</p>

<p>Since you did not mention your test scores, I cannot tell you what scholarship you would be eligible for; see the scholarship info above.</p>

<p>Yes the weather is hot in the summer, but you will not be attending school during those months. Is it hot when school begins in August, yes,but I am from the NE and we also have hot summers… so for me it is sometimes cooler in Alabama than here in August. I am a parent and I know my student misses the cool weather, but when you have late night classes or activities, it is nice to be able to walk around campus without any cold weather gear. Of course, it is a personal choice. I would rather opt for pleasant weather most of the time.</p>

<p>There are definitely music (vocal) groups for non-majors. You can join several vocal groups that entail classes (just work the class into your schedule), or you can join an extracurricular type group. The vocal concerts are amazing!</p>

<p>As for the Asian question: I can only answer that there are certainly more OOS students than ever before, and those students are from many backgrounds, which means kids that are not cookie cutter. I have seen all types of kids on campus (including Asians) and everyone seems to get along. Will you experience any problems? I don’t think so…</p>

<p>It is hot in the summer, but you won’t be here much in the summer. lol</p>

<p>School starts in late Aug, and it’s hot for about 2-3 weeks, and then it’s beautiful. </p>

<p>alabama is not a racist hot spot. Yes, in the 60s it was, but times have changed. There is going to be some racism EVERYWHERE. I’m from Calif, and there are racist things going on in that state all the time…against Hispanics, against Blacks, against Asians…and even against Whites. For some reason, when racist things go on in other parts of the country, those areas get a “hall pass”, but if something happens in the South, outsiders nod their heads and act like that’s the norm. It’s not. </p>

<p>If I remember correctly, you’re in a STEM major (eng’g??), if so, then you’ll find that the Asian numbers are more concentrated in your classes…BTW…the overall Asian numbers at Bama is now 2% (collegeboard is using old data)…and that does NOT include the int’ls that are Asian at Bama. Int’ls are not counted in the diversity numbers.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1315058-why-did-you-your-child-choose-bama.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1315058-why-did-you-your-child-choose-bama.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ll address your hot humid weather concern. My D is a freshman. She is not a fan of hot weather - in fact, that (and distance from home) was one of her biggest reservations about going to Bama. When I picked her up at the airport last night I asked her if the mild weather now made up for the hot weather early in the school year and she said it did, and that she doesn’t really remember the hot weather anymore (heck, it was a couple months ago!). Of course, we’re not from Alaska, so the point of comparison might be different.</p>

<p>1) If you are a sociable and friendly person you will fit in. There is racism at UA, but it is subtle. A lot of people are ignorant. But, you will definitely meet a ton of people who aren’t like that! Just find your niche. It is certainly still a racist hot spot though. You just have to experience it for yourself.
2) It doesn’t get too humid (unless it just rained), its just can get really really hot from around april-early oct.
3) I’m sure they have a capella groups. I don’t know much about them :/</p>

<p>i’m Asian myself and have noticed that the majority of intl Asian students tend to group together. if you’ve always fit in with a diverse group of friends you’ll do fine here. i’ve had no problems whatsoever with racism.</p>