What is your fav/least fav class?

<p>What is your fav/least fav class?</p>

<p>I was also wondering what class everyone was looking forward to taking?</p>

<p>D isn’t taking any freshman seminar classes this time. Just the regular engineering curriculum. She is most excited about Calc 2, go figure.</p>

<p>I am actually most excited in my Italian class! All the reviews on all of the Italian professors are great! I am also pretty excited about Honors Bio (as anyone should be if taking from a Caldwell). I guess that I will find out soon enough.</p>

<p>My kids liked most of their classes.</p>

<p>They LOVED Italian…love, love, love. S2 liked Italian so much that he’s taking it as an extra class as a grad student (that’s allowed…nice surprise benefit. )</p>

<p>S1 loved Honors Fine Arts and Parody, Honors First Person Writing, that IHP Culture class (can’t remember the name), and all of his CBH classes and most of his math classes.</p>

<p>S2 loved/loves his Spanish and Italian classes. He has liked most of his engineering classes. He loved his OChem profs. He hasn’t been able to take a whole lot of honors classes…he needs to get going on that. lol</p>

<p>My D is minoring in Italian and has loved all her profs :)</p>

<p>All the CBH classes have been among my favorites, even freshman year with the project. For nonengineering, my fav class has been History of the US Navy. Epic course with a fabulous, enthusiastic, leniant prof. In engineering, I really loved dynamics and am looking forward to engineering analysis this semester.</p>

<p>Classes that I have disliked include statics (just a rough, rough course) and thermodynamics II (a 16 stage process??? REALLY??). This semester I’m dreading heat transfer. Every person has told me that my prof is one of the worst, if not the worst, in the entire department. Guess I’ll find out thursday.</p>