<p>^You forgot one:
People who stereotype are ****ING IDIOTS</p>
<p>Oh no my friend, I am not stereotyping.
Im stating what is obvious to me after living on this world for 17 years, and living through the Presidencies of Clinton, Bush, and Obama. </p>
<p>Please do not use such language. The fact that you are accusing “steretypyes of being ***** idiots” proves that you are sterotyping, and you yourself are a *****ing idiot.</p>
<p>Use your common sense. Break free of any misconceptions, and mind your tongue, otherwise Karma will hit you hard you moron.</p>
<p>^ Better get that sarcasm detector fixed before it fails completely.</p>
<p>I believe in equal opportunity. That is all.</p>
<p>@noimagination I have no idea what your talking about?</p>
Yeah, I know. I had written “Most people” initially, but it ruined the symmetry.</p>
Bahahaha, are you for real?</p>
The use of “people who ___” made it obvious that HarveyLewis was mocking you.</p>
<p>@ HL Yeah I’m a “real” person.
Please do excuse me though, I have very little understanding of slang.</p>
<p>Do clarify.
At least you admitted your error.</p>
<p>@noimagination Obviously, he has few morals, and little understanding. If you look at all his threads, they are incredibly immature. Most can be even seen as Bizarre. (He has a thread about Jeresy Cows?)</p>
<p>In any case, Lets end this here.</p>
Not really.</p>
<p>And calling someone a “****ing idiot” is bad karma?</p>
Lol, now you’re stalking my posts?</p>
<p>“Obviously, he has few morals, and little understanding.”
Um, how?</p>
<p>“Most can be even seen as Bizarre.”
You really think so? Awesome! (Not kidding)</p>
<p>“He has a thread about Jeresy Cows?”
There was a reason for that…</p>
<p>Seriously? Cyber fighting? Wow.</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: -3.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.05</p>
<p>Makes perfect sense.
Go Lib Dems! :D</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: 0.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.87</p>
<p>Leaning a bit to the right but mainly middle…</p>
<p>Almost everyone has negative numbers…</p>
<p>^I definitely don’t. 0:-)</p>
<p>-2.26, 0.26</p>
<p>a bit unexpected</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: -4.75
Social Libertarian/ Authoritarian : -1.79</p>
<p>I totally did not expect this.
- Cool, I’m with Ghandi and Nelson Mandela, two of my favorite heroes :] Not bad*</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: -2.62</p>
<p>Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.87</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: 5.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15</p>
<p>Economic Left/Right: -2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.05</p>
<p>Also, in looking through the posts, looks like I’m the most conservative of CCers!</p>