What is your political ideology?


<p>Economic Right: 8.79
Social Authoritarian:6.94</p>

<p>Let the accusations of racism and elitism begin…</p>

<p>^ Ouu. I take my former comment back. You’ve got me beaten, bud.</p>

<p>haha what were your numbers?</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.62 </p>


<p>Economic Left/Right: 3.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.05</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.44</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.38</p>

<p>not really comprehending this…</p>

<p>I take this as more of a centrist left type thing?</p>

<p>E: -3.87
s: -8.00</p>

<p>NY lib.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: 7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.54 </p>

<p>Seems about right.</p>



<p>That was me three months ago…</p>


<p>Economic Left/Right: 4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.82 </p>

<p>Big jump in economic stance…I blame Obama and the Democrats for this and me reading more Ron Paul/von Mises/Friedrich Hayek and other Austrian Economic stuff.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: 5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.90 </p>

<p>The social aspect really depends on what the subject is.</p>

<p>Issues that have been around longer I’m more authoritarian on, for modern ones (such as those relating to the internet) I’m more libertarian.</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: 3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.21</p>

<p>I had thought of my self just below the libertarianism line.</p>

<p>This one is much better. [Political</a> Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label](<a href=“http://www.gotoquiz.com/politics/political-spectrum-quiz.html]Political”>Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label)</p>

<p>With the new one,</p>

<p>You are a right moderate social libertarian.
Right: 6.43, Libertarian: 3.2</p>

<p>Economic Left/Right: -7.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08 </p>

<p>Pretty much the same as my previous -7.38/-6.26</p>

<p>New one:</p>

<p>You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 5.33, Libertarian: 6.18</p>

<p>New one:</p>

<p>You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 5.05, Libertarian: 4.63</p>

<p>economic: 3.62
social: -3.18</p>

<p>that sounds about right</p>

<p>However, I don’t like how an online quiz can determine our political ideologies. My friend once recited a Winston Churchill quote, which is, paraphrased from memory: “If you’re not a liberal by age 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by age 35, you have no brain.”</p>

<p>I feel he is sooooooooooooooo right. Some of these questions governing business ethics and handicapped reproduction rights really appeal to the answer’s sense of morals, but then there’s a question asking whether morals can exist without religion! Quiz-takers are stuck either way: with religion, they suscribe to and allow their answers to be dominated by a prescribed creed. Without religion, what’s the basis upon which takers choose their answers? Their secular morals? Where did those come from?</p>

<p>I do realize that I’m restating arguments that must have been made a thousand times by both peers and elders, but I think that if someone needs an online quiz to determine his or her political ideology, then he or she doesn’t really have one.</p>

<p>There must be a reason why Churchill said 25 instead of 18; what kind of a position are 18 year olds in to determine their political ideology? Did any of you know the magnitudes of your leftnesses or rightnesses prior to the taking of the quiz? That’s why it bothers me so much when bonehead 17 year olds are such staunch opponents of something like the health care bill (an item that I believe to contain both merits and faults): they don’t really know why they oppose it, they just do.</p>

<p>Well I’m 17 and I know full well why I support the health care bill. Please don’t go around patronizing teenage posters en masse, especially considering the heightened intelligence level of this forum as a whole. If someone were to take the quiz knowing nothing about the generic label their ideologies fell under, they would be just as likely to be an adult as a 17 year old heading to college. Plus any argument quoting that drunken buffoon immediately loses credibility.</p>

<p>Can we patronize communists?</p>