What kind of answer is AU looking for with the optional supplement?

The prompt: “All first-year students will participate in the American University Experience (AUx), a course specially designed for students transitioning into their first year of college at AU. AUx classes meet once per week as small, interactive and inclusive communities. The course provides a place for students to build academic skills for college success; learn about issues of privilege and bias; and explore their own personal identities. The course also models ways of communicating and living in a diverse society, particularly in reference to addressing divergent opinions on challenging topics. How do you personally define an inclusive environment? What do you believe contributes to a diverse and accepting community? (400 words or less)”

Though I know it’s optional, I feel like I definitely should answer it as I’m going in as a journalism major. Are they looking for a basic definition? Touching on past experiences where you lived an environment that was inclusive or uninclusive? Should I be connecting this to how I can thrive in AU’s community? The question is fairly basic but my mind is swimming with the different angles I can tackle it with.

I guess the question is, what is AU hoping to learn about me by asking this question and what should I reveal?

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Honestly, it’s not really optional. The committee will see the omission as a sign that you are either not that serious about AU or that you won’t be willing to do extra work. So you are spot on in saying that you should answer this question.

This question should be answered in a way that reveals your unique voice. I think connecting it to how you will personally thrive in AU’s diverse and accepting community is a good idea. You want to avoid sounding like you are just giving a definition of diversity. If you are struggling with the right angle write a couple of rough drafts and get some input from your parents or trusted friend on which lets your voice shine through.