What kind of scholarship?

<p>Just curious as to how much scholarship money I could get</p>

<p>3.7 unweighted GPA
1870 SAT (first time, will take again and try for 1950-2000)
top 10% of class
4 AP classes by time I graduate for sure, maybe 5
10 honor classes
Took science, english, and history classes as electives (took hardest classes i could, didn't take art or other "easy" electives)</p>

<p>3 years of varsity softball (won coach's award for being most involved with team and most encouraging)
1 year of junior varsity volleyball</p>

<p>yearbook for 3 years
SADD for 1 year
academic team for 2 years</p>

<p>head altar server at my church
pick vegetables for poor around thanksgiving and christmas
volunteer as tour guide at my school's open house</p>

<p>grew up on family farm (sets me apart from others on application ive been told)
dad went to college but never graduated and mom never went</p>