What kind of schools should I be looking at?

<p>No chance at UWash.</p>

<p>I don't think you should get discouraged. Very few students are in a position where their application is so strong that they don't need to make room for improvement. The goal is to identify your weaknesses and then improve on them. As I mentioned earlier, although your SAT scores are low you still have time to boost them up significantly. Another thing to consider is how your scores compare to those of others in your high school. If you go to a school where the majority of students (even the "smart kids") do average or below average on the SAT, then that's a factor the admissions office will consider.</p>

<p>Have you tried taking the ACT? It seems like you take a pretty tough courseload- so since they are two very different tests you might do considerably better on it.
Also, for the SAT, I agree with people above that have said that 500-550s are easier to raise than say a couple of 700s. :]
The CC community in general is a very intense bunch- so don't lose hope completely :).
You seem to be really smart and hardworking (wow, trilingual and going for four? :D) and I wish you the best!
Edit: You also seem to be great at helping the community out, volunteering, etc.</p>

<p>so most people would agree..
it is a little easier to improve scores in the 1500's
because there is a lot of room for improvement?</p>

<p>It seems the main thing pulling you down is your SATs. Maybe you should consider SAT prep classes. Mine raised my score three hundred points. I know kids who just study one day before the test and get a +2200 but let's face it, not everyone is like that. </p>

<p>SAT is all about strategy, if you take practice tests enough, you'll definitely begin to see trends. (On Math, the harder questions require the easiest methods to solve them. Gotta think outside the box.) My instructors said as long as your score doesn't improve, try different methods of taking the test every time. You may also need to skip more, it'll help loads if your in the 500s. If you can narrow it down to 2, guess. If you have no clue, skip. </p>

<p>If that doesn't work, take the ACT. Some people are just better at it, and vice versa. The science section kills, but everything else is way easier than the SAT. </p>

<p>Hope that helps some. :)</p>

<p>I would caution you that you need to add more match and safety schools to your list. You have an admissions advantage being a 1st gen student, although I don't think Indian is considered a minority. </p>

<p>UNC- was chosen + attended Project Uplift(minority recruitment program) - I would consider UNC to be a match (perhaps a low one with project uplift)
Duke - Huge reach. is it worth the time/effort to apply?
East Carolina
UNC Wilmington - is this different from the UNC above or are you just pointing out that you'll apply to several campuses?
NC State
University of Virginia - Very little chance OOS.
Wake Forest
Vanderbilt - reach, but i would still recommend applying. however, it is very different from the other schools on your list. have you researched it a lot?
Pembroke - Never heard of this, I'm curious. Is it a NC school?
University of Washington Seattle
University of Greensboro
University of Georgia</p>

<p>What state are you in? (I'm guessing North Carolina?)You have several large, public universities on your list that are very difficult to get into OOS. I would take a look at some more public universities that have higher admission rates OOS and all of your public unviersities IS. I live in PA, where we have PennSte (several campuses), UPitt, etc. There are plenty more, but I'm a small-LAC type kid. Open up a college book and search! </p>

<p>Your SAT scores wouldn't be such a big deal if your GPA and/or your ECs were stellar, but you seem to have an excuse for everything. No transportation is not really an excuse for not getting very involved, and for no activities 9/10 grade, your GPA isn't great.</p>

<p>north carolina resident.</p>

<p>will take the act.</p>



<p>Also go to The</a> National Center for Fair & Open Testing | FairTest to see the large # of schools that are SAT optional -- including some very good schools! Look at the website ctcl.com (Colleges That Change Lives) to get some idea about what advantages smaller schools might offer. (This is a marketing venue for the schools included, but there is some very good information). </p>

<p>Your research will show you you have a lot of good options -- and if you improve your SAT scores, those options will only get better.</p>

<p>I gotta agree with CurrySpice--your ECs are very weak, and participation in your Senior year isn't going to help with that. The fact that you're 1st generation American can help, but I think you're shooting a little too high. I would add UNC-Asheville and Appalachian State to your list unless there's some reason you totally hate them. I would definitely dump Duke and possibly Vandy.</p>

<p>okay thanks</p>

<p>im not fond of the location of asheville or appalachian, but will definitely consider</p>

<p>any other colleges in that i may want to consider?</p>

<p>If you're in North Carolina, definitely look further into Wake Forest. It might be a bit of a reach, but they do have a SAT-optional policy, which seems to be your weak spot. Lack of EC's will hurt everywhere, but there's no reason not to give WF a shot.</p>

<p>i was involved in some clubs, its not total lack.</p>

<p>is appalachian a match school?</p>

<p>any other match schools?</p>

<p>I agree with AMX. You may as well ditch those schools, especially (unfortunately) because you're asian. Try and get that SAT up for UNC and then look at NC State, maybe ASU, UNC-Asheville, Wilmington.</p>

<p>Do Indian people get the same treatment as asians on the overrepresented scale?</p>

<p>I need some help =[. I would love to have a great safety or match school suggestion?
Any schools in georgia or virginia are good too?</p>

<p>okay last shot</p>

<p>Should I apply to UVA?</p>

<p>bumpy bump</p>