<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>It's almost the end of my junior year and I pretty much know all my grades and test scores. Keep in mind, I am FAR from your average CC student ;) Basically, I slacked off hardcore in highschool (mostly in 9th grade), but I actually gave it a shot these last 2 years. Little too late I guess.</p>
<p>California resident
UW GPA (9th-11th): 3.02
W GPA (9th-11th): 3.32
UC GPA (10th-11th): 3.46
ACT: 27
SATII - Lit: 600 US History: 620
By the end of 12th grade I will have taken the following amount of year long honors level courses - Honors: 2 1/2
AP: 1
IB: 2
Dual enrollment w/ community college: 4
Basic ECs (few clubs, part time job, 75 hours community service, 1 year elected student senator)</p>
<p>I know, HYS material ;)</p>
<p>I want to major in electrical engineering and I was wondering what schools are out there for me. I have a feeling I am going to have to leave California as decent state schools are all rather competative (I don't want to go to UCR)
I will apply for the mid level UC's and Cal Poly SLO just incase I get lucky.
I was also thinking about Arizona State University (or UofA?), Purdue, and UMass Amherst. Any thoughts on these schools or other schools I should apply to??</p>