Ohio State University’s honors program requires an essay at least 350 words on a character I feel I relate to most. I understand they most likely want a character that shows all the good characteristics of mine own self, but I’m not sure who to pick. I feel a strong connection to Pam from the Office, as I love art and have faced some serious personal growth and increased confidence/leadership in the past few years and humor/making life fun is something I value, much like Pam. But, I feel like since her character is a meek receptionist that could also show me in a bad light. Does anyone have some ideas of strong characters? If I had to break down my key characteristics into a few words they would be creative, kind, intelligent, and driven. If anyone could help me out with this that would be amazing.
How about Claudia in The Mixed Up Files? Or Antonia in My Antonia? Or Meg Murray from A Wrinkle In Tme?
Whatever you choose really should be something that’s personal to YOU. We don’t know what you’ve read or watched, or which shows or books affected you strongly.
If you’ve read and like A Wrinkle in Time, though, I agree that Meg Murray is a good one.