<p>I'm going to be a senior this year and am in the process of thinking about what I might major in. I've always been interested in the medical field, but also maybe something business related. I think I am an above average student (got a 31 on ACT, honors classes), but I'm not at the level most CCers are. I'm more introverted than most people, but I dont lack social skills. What do you think are some good suggestions for majors/careers for me are?</p>
<p>btw I love sports</p>
<p>For undecided prospective students I always recommend to pick a college with a lot of opportunities to try out different majors and programs. The average college student changes majors something like 5 times, so odds are you’ll have a better idea what you want to do after you actually get there.
For now, keep your mind and eyes open!</p>
<p>Maybe health policy/economics or epidemiology. Both will require a masters degree but it’s something to think about. Look for colleges where the economic or business departments offer health options.</p>