What major did your son or daughter choose?

<p>PMKjr is majoring in Music Industry with a minor in Music Recording. He loves everything about music, so it was a natural choice for him. His school also does co-ops, so we hope he’ll make the connections he’ll need to find a job in the industry some day.</p>

<p>DD…college junior, applied math major, physics minor, certificate in East Asian studies with Japanese language. She is kind of wishing she had done engineering, but she really likes how math applies to different things in real life. She has always also enjoyed languages and cultures.</p>

<p>DS…HS senior, major to be determined.</p>

<p>scout59 - too funny! (Is she still wearing the skinny jeans and emo band t-shirts?) My younger son sadly cut his long flowing hair.</p>

<p>S1: college junior, English/Cultural Anthropology double major, which exactly matches his natural strengths and interests. The path he followed to get there, however was long and winding. Started out as a biology major/premed, which he has the brains but not the passion to do. This lasted exactly five days into the first semester, when he took his first quiz and called home to say he thought he might change his major. He picked Anthropology after looking through the catalogue of classes, and picking classes that sounded interesting. Then, since he had that first semester of science and math classes under his belt, he considered doing physical therapy. After further thought and looking at the major requirements, he realized that he had never really liked math and science. Duh! We could have told him that, if he had ever asked for our opinions. He ended up with the English major, which was what we would have advised doing in the first place, when he realized that he enjoyed writing (and wrote it easily and well) the forty page paper that was the only grade in one of the first anthropology classes he took. What in the world he’ll be doing after he graduates is anyone’s guess. </p>

<p>S2 is a college freshman. He is taking premed courses, which are his strength areas, and is thus far an undeclared major.</p>

<p>D is in high school and has miles to go before she sleeps. :)</p>

<p>S-physics and math. Because that is always what he was best at. That and music. But he didn’t want to teach music and didn’t have the aggressive personality or passion needed to make it as a professional musician.</p>

<p>D1-Industrial Labor Relations and Information Tech or something (comp. sci.). ILR is very specific to Cornell. Many ILR majors go to law school. That was her plan since 6th grade. </p>

<p>D2-Environmental Studies major and Economics minor. She didn’t know what to major in and took some courses that she found interesting. She found her niche.</p>

<p>S: Audio Arts & Acoustics. Settled on this after discovering that he loves doing live sound. Volunteered at local all-ages music club and became active in theater. Now a college grad working in the field.</p>

<p>D2: Double in Photography and Literature. Both longterm interests. College senior hoping for job in publishing, also considering grad school after a gap year.</p>

<p>D3: Viola Performance. Lifelong musician, toyed with social sciences but music is her true love. College sophomore hoping for that big break somewhere down the road.</p>

<p>S1 majored in Natural Resources with a concentration in Policy and Administration.
AP Environmental Science was one of his favorite h.s. classes. He would prob. say his real major was Navy ROTC. He’s now a Spec.Ops officer in the U.S. Navy. </p>

<p>S2 will graduate this year with a B.S. in Criminal Justice. Not sure what he’ll do. He has learned a lot about the criminal justice system in our country and will prob. not use his degree in the way he intended as a freshman.</p>

<p>My older son chose aerospace engineering. Tough major, and he is working hard, but he is now a sophomore and still very interested in the major and intends to finish it and perhaps get masters in it. Always a problem solver as a child and always great at math. </p>

<p>My younger son will be a freshman in the fall and he has chosen genetics. Wants to eventually get PhD in either genetics, molecular biology, virology or something related and wants to do research eventually. He has always been interested in biology and science.</p>

<p>I don’t know if this counts but my D will be attending our flagship university this fall as a nursing major.</p>

<p>S is EE. He has always loved math, physics & computers and always been good at them. Encouraged by H & his GC to consider engineering. H suggested he try EE because it’s “cleaner” than many other types of engineering and fairly flexible in terms of job options. So far, he’s pretty happy with what he’s been doing as a project manager in the nearly one year he’s been at his job. S is considering also going on to grad school in law or engineering.</p>

<p>D floundered a bit trying to choose her major. She considered quite a few different options (including sociology, neuroscience, psychology, narrative studies and architecture, and business) and has finally settled on cinema. She should be getting a degree this spring. She did work at public TV show one summer as intern and also worked on campus with cinema folks. She has helped in 2 movies and filmed 5 short movies as well.</p>

<p>Theater Tech/Lighting Design - absolutely unwavering goal since the spring of 9th grade. Graduating in May with an AA in Theater Tech, and admitted for transfer to two different BA in Tech/Design programs for this fall. Waiting for financial aid offers before the final decision. Because she is cheerful, polite, people oriented, and hard-working, she has never lacked for paid gigs, and has never held a job outside her field.</p>

<p>mathmom - she still wears the emo t-shirts in secret (in public she wears a lot of cardigans - really, who could have predicted that??) I actually collected up some of the older shirts that she loves (but doesn’t wear any more) and made a quilt out of them.</p>

<p>As for the skinny jeans: she has finally realized that they really don’t have to be that tight, but she still wears straight legs, not flares. It will be interesting to see how she adapts to corporate America (and coporate American dress codes).</p>

<p>DD1 - Architecture… Took lots of art/design/industrial tech electives in HS (which offers a super selection), and knew from day 1 what architecture is all about… She’s doing exceedingly well but it is tiring beyond belief.</p>

<p>DD2 - starting 9th grade in the fall, has serious academic potential in a number of areas and has excelled in English, writing, and social studies. Scored 99%'s in the Readistep and high 90’s as well in the various state tests. Hasn’t had a B since elementary school :). We originally looked into law but given what the employment situation and work conditions look like, she’ll try the time-honored Tiger (or half Tiger) biology route :slight_smile: after completing the HS’s IB program. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.</p>

<p>S1 started college as a completely undecided person. He ended up with majors in Middle Eastern Studies, Linguistics and Jewish Studies. He had started college with a boatload of AP credits, took credits over the summer, and also took 20-22 credits every semester. After college, he worked for an international nonprofit and continued school–his employer paid for his MBA, which included a certificate in non-profit management. He is now working for a different nonprofit…it’s where his heart is, and what I always expected he would do.</p>

<p>S2 started college as a business major…knowing S2, H and I were sure that choice would be short lived, but S was swayed by the amazing business school facilities at his school. After a year, he loved the facilities but hated the business major. When he called home to discuss changing his major, our reaction was “what took you so long?” He ended up double majoring in political science and philosophy, with minors in Jewish Studies and Public Policy. He is now in graduate school pursuing a masters degree in public pollicy.</p>

<p>S3 started as a business major and, now a junior in college, still loves being a business major. He has liked his accounting classes and his finance classes, but has thrived on the marketing classes…so that will be his major. He is combining a marketing major with an international business major. We will see where this takes him.</p>

<p>D began college thinking she would major in psych, but she ended up majoring in an interdisciplinary degree: Medicine, Health, and Society. This is a pretty flexible major, and she concentrated on health care delivery. She also studied at UEdinburgh for a semester & took a couple classes in European health care delivery. She really enjoyed learning about every angle of health care (doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and all the ways they affect each other and the patient). She is working for a health care consulting firm.</p>

<p>S is majoring in biology because it is the only thing he can think of that he wants to study. He would much prefer playing guitar or drums and recording/mixing music … but he doesn’t want to be poor, and he is self-admittedly not motivated enough to make money with music. So … he will do something in bio (ecology, probably, in some form) and make music on the side. At least, that is his plan.</p>

<p>S1 is a junior Geology major and gets good grades in Geology but wants to switch to Physics which he does not get particularly good grades but insists it is his passion.</p>

<p>S2 is a freshman Physics major with Aspberger’s syndrome and gets outstanding grades in Calculus. He is now taking a Computer Science course and says he may want to change his major to Computer Science or Computer Engineering.</p>

<p>Since both were slackers in high school and ended up at the same California State University (CSU), even though I think they will both graduate I think it is very unlikely they will actually get jobs in Geology, Physics, Computer Science or Computer Engineering due to the low regard in which CSUs are held. Employers really only University of California (UC) graduates for those types of jobs.</p>

<p>S1: Math undergrad. Was - and still is - interested in cryptography. Started several businesses after graduation (most failed after a while), then went to law school.</p>

<p>S2: Was very computer literate and actually made money in HS with his web development skills, but seemed most interested in astrophysics. I could see him going to Rice, perhaps. But in HS, he started making films and that became his passion. So he did a Production major in Media Arts (Business minor). He’s now living/working his dream in LA.</p>

<p>S is majoring in Health Science w/a concentration in Human Health - mainly because he loves science, but the Biology dept at his school would not give any credit for his 5 on the AP Bio test - the Public Health dept gave him 8 hours. He would have great difficulty changing his major due to ROTC restrictions, so I suppose he’ll stick with this one.</p>

<p>Son started with math and physics on the radar, preferred and ended up with math then added computer science, now using it for work before any grad school.</p>

<p>S is EE major & working in his field. He has always loved computers, science, math & physics. He & his dad figured that field was “cleanest,” as he has some medical/stamina limitation issues and dirt/dust are really bad for his health. Very happy in his field.</p>

<p>D is cinema major–we are hoping she will not be a starving artist. She flirted with many majors, but this one captured her heart and imagination. She has always been a compulsive sketcher and doodler. So far, she seems pretty happy and we’re hoping that she will be able to find work in her field. She’s at the #1 school in the nation for her field.</p>