What Major ??

<p>I've always wanted to become a psychologist (clinical-forensic psychologist) but I'm also considering to become a forensic lab technician. What is something I should major or minor in just incase I change my mind during or after undergrad and I won't be stuck?? I do plan on attending grad school for anything i decide to do.
I'm interested in criminal justice, psychology, biology etc. and i do want to minor in Spanish.</p>

<p>I'm open to any and new ideas ! Thank you</p>


<p>None of those majors will get you a job. It’s near impossible to find a job as a psychologist with the economy the way it is.</p>

<p>I suggest you major in Computer Science and minor in Spanish.</p>

<p>Here’s a list of majors with relatively good job prospects: Finance, Business, Accounting, Computer Science, Engineering , Bioinformatics, Statistics, Applied Mathematics.</p>

<p>Even with grad school, biology, psychology, and criminal justice are tough fields to get into. It’s just a piece of paper that says “Hey look! I can memorize!”.</p>

<p>I guess you could work for the police or the DEA with a criminal justice degree, but you can do that with any other degree.</p>

<p>I plan to get a job as a psychologist after grad school
&thanks </p>

<p>&Yes i was thinking about biochemistry</p>

<p>If you want to be a psychologist, simple: major in psychology, cognitive science, or biology.</p>

<p>If you do cog-sci, a good minor with high job prospects would be computer science.</p>