<p>Title question</p>
<p>USN graduate rankings are good proxy of where NU’s strength lies:
Business: 4th
Law: 9th
Medicine: 20th
Physical Therapy: 7th</p>
Speech & Language Pathology: 2nd
Audiology: 9th</p>
<p>Education: 12th</p>
Material Sciences: 3rd
Industrial: 5th
Mechanical: 12th
Biomedical: 13th
Civil: 13th
Environmental: 19th
Computer: 25th
Electrical: 34th</p>
<p>Arts and Sciences:
Economics: 8th
Sociology: 11th
History: 17th
English: 19th
Poli Sci: 21st
Psychology: 22nd
Chemistry: 9th
Math: 18th
Physics: 26th
Bio: 29th
Earth Sci: 31st
Comp Sci: 39th</p>
<p>NU also has great programs in theater, music, film, german, and journalism. USN doesn’t rank these fields. Unique programs like Integrated Science Program (ISP), Mathematical Methods for Social Sciences (MMSS), and Kellogg’s Certificate Programs for Undergrads (CPU) are well-regarded in the academia and industry.</p>
<p>This thread needs to be a sticky. I hope this will end all the multiple “best majors/schools” threads.</p>
<p>The Chemical Engineering is gaining huge amounts of prominence as the Dean of Engineering (also a Chem E) is a prolific writer for the American Institution for Chemical Engineers Journal. Some very impressive research is also coming out of that department.</p>
<p>^yes. i also forgot to mention art history is another great (top-10 by NRC) program. Here’s the revised list:
USN graduate rankings:
Business: 4th
Law: 9th
Medicine: 20th
Physical Therapy: 7th</p>
Speech & Language Pathology: 2nd
Audiology: 9th</p>
<p>Education: 12th</p>
Material Sciences: 3rd
Industrial: 5th
Mechanical: 12th
Biomedical: 13th
Civil: 13th
Chemical: 15th
Environmental: 19th
Computer: 25th
Electrical: 34th</p>
<p>Arts and Sciences:
Economics: 8th
Sociology: 11th
History: 17th
English: 19th
Poli Sci: 21st
Psychology: 22nd
Chemistry: 9th
Math: 18th
Physics: 26th
Bio: 29th
Earth Sci: 31st
Comp Sci: 39th</p>
<p>Two intellectually challenging and enriching programs for freshmen:
[Kaplan</a> Humanities Scholars Program](<a href=“http://www.kaplanscholars.northwestern.edu/]Kaplan”>http://www.kaplanscholars.northwestern.edu/)
[MENU</a> Program: Math Department, WCAS, Northwestern University](<a href=“http://www.math.northwestern.edu/undergraduate/menu.html]MENU”>http://www.math.northwestern.edu/undergraduate/menu.html)</p>