What NOT to like about JHU...

<p>hehehehehe. </p>

<p>A friend of mine told me they used to have a Taco Bell and Pizza Hut on campus. Now they're gone...<em>frown</em></p>

<p>No Dunkin Donuts up there?!?! I've found a few down here in the OC. And In and Out won't be as "special" if its found EVERYWHERE....although it WOULD earn them big bucks! ;-)</p>

<p>There are plenty of In and Outs on campus.
Oh wait, I see you were referring to the burger joint. ;)</p>

Gee.....thanks for that EXTRA info Jeff :P</p>

<p>BTW, you should be stuffing yourself with Double-doubles, fries and shakes while you can, cuz soon you won't HAVE ANY! MuahAha!!....JKJK! heheheh</p>

<p>HAHA I am quite offenced since I am asian too :(
JHU = composed of racists?</p>

<p>racists? we're all a bit racist. :P
ignorant people? yes, but college is a great place to learn to get beyond that, and to teach others to get beyond that as well. </p>

<p>And dude, I'm busy catching up on the good home eatin'! Forget the In and Out...burger joint. ;)</p>

<p>IMO, realizing that people are different colors constitues racism; regardless of how nonracist someone is, if he acknowledges different races, he's being racist</p>

<p>Racism implies discrimination and/or preferencial treatment of a certain enthnicity. Acknowledgment does not constitute racism-- but I suppose it does make you "racially aware." According to your definition, absolutely everyone is racist-- and while that it true in a sense, it is not for the reason which you state.</p>

<p>krispy kreme for life!!</p>

<p>too bad in-n-out isnt franchising :(</p>

<p>oooh. a bay area-n. w00t!</p>

<p>Krispy Kreme is too sweet, in my opinion. But oh well, if you love Krispy Kreme, there are many opportunities to experience their overly-sweet yumminess on campus during the year. </p>

<p>As for In-and-Out, the West Coast can't share EVERYTHING, because then we wouldn't be better than the east coast. <em>wink wink</em> ;) It's something to look forward to when coming home because I know I took my Fries for granted.</p>

<p>JackBauerPowerHour, I'm following your arguement, but I don't understand where you're getting the statement "...absolutely everyone is racist-- and while that it true in a sense." Can you elaborate on why you believe everyone is racist to a degree? </p>

<p>sorry guys, not trying to hijack the thread, but just tyring to learn the views of others!</p>

<p>I don't believe in races.</p>

<p>wow i was just joking & now everyone seems so serious about it</p>

<p>There's an In-N-Out Burger in WA (but i've only seen one or two)...not overly popular</p>

<p>What not to like about JHU?</p>

<p>Majorly tough admissions. That's why I'm not even applying even though I love the school.</p>

<p>And I'm poor. But that's okay, haha.</p>

<p>cmon guys. we are all one race... human
r. o. f. l.</p>

<p>theothermuse, u never know. tough admissions is true for all good schools</p>

<p>The nearest taco bell? Probably over 33rd and up loch raven, it's not that close.</p>

<p>And I think some people didn't get the Clockwork Orange joke...</p>

<p>Nanaijuh, not really. I have some really solid safeties that aren't that competitive in terms of admissions. Either way, I still schlubs JHU.</p>

<p>I'll just go to JHU-SAIS for grad school.</p>

<p>huh.. school food is bad? that's not very attractive</p>