What Nursing School

My D has been accepted to Endicott and is considering but we are looking for more information on the school, any thoughts would be appreciated. She has also been accepted to the following for MA schools and a few out of state, all for nursing. Some more expensive that others.

Endicott *
Westfield State University
Fitchburg State
Regis College *
Worcester State
Curry College *
Elms College

Out of State:
Keene State *
Fairfield University**
Sacred Heart**
URI **
one star expensive, two stars over 33,000 to attend

Are these schools worth the money? D doesn’t really want some of the state schools but would consider is they are better nursing than the private schools.

Ask these programs how many of their students pass the licensing exams on the first try. That is one way to estimate the quality of the program. The career center at each campus should be able to tell you where graduates are hired, and give you a notion of the starting salary.

Here is a good calculator to compare costs: http://www.finaid.org/calculators/awardletteradvanced.phtml

Only you know how much money you have available for her education. If any of these would require the family to borrow more than the maximum federal student loans ($5,500 freshman year, $6,500 sophomore year, $7,500 junior year and $7,500 senior year) they probably are too expensive.

We have an EFC of 9000 so we will have to pay that at the least plus the federal student loans. Would like to know more about Endicott College which is one of the least expensive private schools. We hope to have someone comment on that school.

You may want to post your question on the Nursing forum - http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/nursing-major/ - you’ll probably get a quicker response.

Here is a link to the Massachusetts NCLEX results:


In 2014, in your MA group, the highest NCLEX results are: Worcester State had a 98% passing rate [direct admit] & Fitchburg had a 93% passing rate [nondirect admit].

Endicott [direct admit] had a 82% passing rate. Westfield [direct] 81%, Curry [direct] 62%,
Regis [direct] 60% & Elms [nondirect admit] 72%

NCLEX results show what percentage of the nursing students are passing the RN exam on the 1st attempt. Since there is no undergraduate ratings of nursing schools, the NCLEX is a helpful indicator of the quality of the nursing program.

You will need to look up the NCLEX results in your OOS schools - NH, RI & CT.

think you also need to consider merit scholarships–Regis is averaging $20,000, Fairfield $16,000 --no idea about Endicott or State schools. BC offers very little according to my guidance counselor and NE can be generous if need is great and you have high SAT scores. So many different things to consider. I think ENdicott’s campus is really pretty but not much to do up there and no other schools close by.