What schools have circus programs/current list very reach heavy

I’m a junior in California, and I’ve recently started to seriously think about what colleges I want to apply to. I’m interested in going into the sciences (genetics most likely). I’ve also been a part of a professional circus troupe for 4 years, and I would like to be able to continue to do circus in college. I was wondering if there were any schools that have circus clubs (aerial arts, not juggling) on campus or are near studios. I haven’t really done any reasearch for colleges, so my list is all reaches and not very long:
UC Davis
University of Chicago
McGill University

Cal Poly SLO

My stats (if this is helpful):
GPA: 3.9
Junior Courses:
AP English Lang
AP US History
AP Bio
AP Calc
Physics Honors
Spanish 3 (online)

I have previously taken AP Chem (4) and AP Euro (5)

Cross Country- 3 years, JV
JPL Invention Challenge- 2 years
MESA- 3 years
Developing an environmental science research project through LA Audubon- 2 years
Southern California Academy of Sciences Research Training Program- 1 year
National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Semi-Finalist- 1 year
Professional circus troupe- 4 years. i have preformed around the world for various charity and corporate events, as well as preforming around California.
This is pretty long, but any input on other schools that you know about that you think I would be a match for would be great. I know my current list of schools in not very realistic. I’m new to this site so if I’m missing anything/posted wrong, I’ll try to fix it. Thank you for any input!

Florida State.

I found an organization that lists colleges with circus clubs:

Some clubs seem to be focussed on juggling, but it might give you a few ideas. I would think that living near New York, Orlando or Las Vegas would offer opportunities to continue training.

Your course schedule and grades so far are very strong. When are you planning on taking your standardized tests?

My nephew is engaged to a young woman who does ropes and silks in LA. She’s attending grad school at Chapman.



If you look for places with Aerial Dance, you will find support fot your performance art.

Illinois State University has Gamma Phi circus.

P. T. Barnum was a founding trustee of Tufts University.

“Jumbo” the famous circus elephant from Barnum’s Circus is the school’s beloved mascot.

Some would say that the Circus is embedded in Tufts’ genetic code, but the Biology Department has yet to isolate the specific gene. (Note that 90% of all genetic analyses are performed on equipment based on technology developed at Tufts.)

If you are also interested in the environment, then Tufts has strong environmental programs (the current head of the EPA is a Tufts alum).

Tufts’ undergrad campus is located on a hill in Medford/Somerville overlooking Cambridge and Boston.There are two circus arts studios in Somerville, just a few miles away.

There is an Experimental College course (EXP0061) on Circus and Society taught by a grad student next spring.

Tufts will be a reach, but usually not as “reachy” as MIT (which is 4 miles away). Admissions tends to be more holistic and less numbers driven with lots of weight given to community service and “cultural fit”.

Best of luck.

siliconvalleymom , I am taking the SAT in Janurary. I got a 1380 on the PSAT, but I didn’t study for that so I indtend to do better on the SAT.

For Cal Poly, there is a studio in San Luis Obispo called Suspended Motion (aerial silks and rope, etc). In San Francisco Bay area (home to MANY colleges) there are at least two: Circus Center (SF) and Trapeze Arts (Oakland).