What Science Classes Should I Take My Last Two Years of High School If I've Only Taken Biology? [interested in physics major]

Well, I discovered my interest in Physics because I love math and science. Math has always been easy for me, and I have always loved meteorology, physics, and astronomy. It’s kind of a long story though. Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to be a meteorologist and when I was older, I started to really like astronomy and studying the universe. I would just sit out there and stare up at the stars and wonder, what’s really out there, you know, we’re just this single planet and there’s millions of planets out there in the vastness of space waiting to be discovered. When I grew a little older, I started to want to know more about the universe and about earth and our world and how things work, you know. I’m not one to just sit back and know something works the way it does, I want to know why. So, I started to like Physics because it helps explain our universe and why things work the way that they do. I really do love math and it comes easy for me, and I’ve always wanted to face more challenging math. When I was in Algebra 2, it was just so easy and slow… like I’m up for something more challenging. I don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I know that it will either be in Physics, Astronomy, or Meteorology. I know that studying Physics will get me towards either of those careers in my future.

I guess a question to ask is what type of college you will be shooting for? If you are shooting for selective colleges that practice holistic admissions, rigor will be an important factor. The fact that your HS offers AP Physics, AP Chem and I assume AP Calculus, indicates that other students (and enough of them to make up full classes regularly offered) are not following the “standard” track. Taking a standard track may put you at a disadvantage. I’d go back to your guidance counselor and see what he/she recommends. Are you a sophomore or a junior this year? If you are already a junior, it may be hard to change tracks. Are you going to be doubling up on Chem and Physics junior year so you can take AP Physics senior year?

Also fwiw, my kids’ HS allowed students to take AP Physics without a prior Physics class. I do think AP Chem does require some basic Intro to Chem course. In our district that was taught freshmen year.

I would NOT recommend taking APChem to someone who had not taken any science class beside General Biology.
Note that some MS offer intro science classes like biology and chemistry, but otherwise AP Chem is a senior class that the College Board considers a 2nd level course ie., some chem class is a pre-req.
Is there a way for you to take basic Chemistry over the summer? Or Summer Physics, so you can take Ap physics 1 junior year?
Or why not ask to take AP physics junior year since you love it and already know some of it, perhaps by taking a placement test ? - unlike AP Chem, AP Physics1 can be taken without a physics class.
Have you taken Geometry? Are you in honors Math or would your current teacher recommend you for Honors Math? Is there a way for you to switch to algebra 2H or accelerate since you find Algebra2 very slow?
If you want to major in Physics, it’d really help if you could take Calculus as a senior

Just in case:
You’re supposed to take 1 core class each year - English, Math, Science, Social Science, World Language.

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