What should be (or not be) in this year's Chance Me template

I’m going to try to summarize what I’m seeing in this thread. I’m certainly going to miss a few things, but I’ll try to hit the highlights. (This is turning out to be really long! Maybe not so helpful either?)

This is a compelling argument. If we could say that race is a non-factor, I’d consider removing or downplaying it more.

Agreed. Not that people always read these things, but it doesn’t hurt to remind people.

Agreed again. For better or worse, this is one of the primary things CC is known for. We have some language in that direction in the instructions, but it might help to reemphasize this point.

Good idea.

Moving it up to above Coursework seems reasonable. I’m not sure I understand what the difference is between what you wrote and what we already have. I want to make sure students have a clear idea what they need to provide.

I think there is a logic to this. But I also think we are trying to solve for the problem that students over-estimate the impact of these categories on their chances. Locking people into these limited options reinforces the idea that this is important.

I’m not a fan of the subject lines students tend to pick but I’m not sure putting the stats in there will be much of an improvement. (Plus, I don’t think people will be consistent as we’d like!)

Agreed. Not sure we want to prompt for it since it opens up all sorts of worm cans.

These seem reasonable. I wonder if it might help to have even more detailed instructions to link to?

Excellent suggestions.

I’m looking at the resumes from students and I see this too. I understand the instinct (I’ve written that sort of thing in resumes too), but it’s hard to imagine the 5th most impressive award anyone has earned will matter in a selection process. I almost wonder if saying “top 3” or some such would be better.

Makes sense. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a Dunning-Kruger problem with even asking.

Oh. Tricky. I’m starting to worry that this template will be challenging to fill in with all the special situations we are trying to account for. I’m also reluctant to ask students about this. Gotta think about this one some more.

Yes! This is a useful perspective. Thanks for the reminder!

I’m starting to think in this direction too. In some ways the value the community brings is asking questions the students hadn’t ever considered rather than any solid answers. Where there are solid answers (such as how to calculated GPA or what the requirements are for a Pell grant) it would be useful to collect those answers so we can link to them.

I do think there would be some value in that approach. I also think we’re going to have people wanting to post on the forums first. I don’t want to lock people out of the conversation if they don’t want to do the calculator. That said, I really like the idea of giving people who find us via https://www.collegeconfidential.com/ more ways to come to the forums. If they come better prepared to ask interesting questions, so much the better!

I tend to agree with @thumper1 's point on the other thread: it’s a much bigger problem to get all the other people who advise students to change these terms. They have a long history. (I considered George Mason my safety school because it was close and easy to get into. I think it’s become more selective since then.)

Ok. I’m going to take all this feedback and make some modifications to the template. I’ll try to post a draft to make sure I haven’t made any dumb mistakes. :wink: