What should I ask for Christmas?

<p>Hey everyone, only a few more weeks till break!!! </p>

<p>I was wondering if you guys could get my brain going on what I really want for Christmas. My parents told me they'd get me an itouch, so I'm not really looking for big gifts, so <$100.</p>

<p>I'm a big sports fan, history buff, might just ask for some books and stuff like that. </p>

<p>Thanks, don't really know what to ask for this year, lol.</p>

<p>i want a car</p>

<p>I’d say there’s not much you can get under $100, but yeah I think history books would be very nice for the price, like you said. Gift cards are quite useful for whicever store, so since you’are not sure what you want now, you can save it for later when you think of something.</p>

<p>Yeah, get some books to read :D</p>

<p>More like SAT books!</p>

<p>Am I the only one in awe and sheer happiness that others would consider to put books on their Christmas list? Aside from Burberry and D&G, I am definitely shoving my ever-so-growing book wishlist on there.</p>

<p>Ask for a biography on Bismarck or something.</p>

<p>Magazine subscriptions.
Seasons of your favorite show on DVD.
Just plain money!</p>

<p>Monoclide, your list sounds like mine! Biasia (totally undervalued designer, you should check him out) and Yves Saint Laurent and then a bunch of books (and an iPod Touch).</p>

<p>I get like half from one parent and half from the other, so hawaiiboy, your list is like what I’m asking for from my mother: and iPod touch and a ton of books. So I’d recommend either books, DVDs, or clothing (but you can’t get very much clothing for under $100). Whichever one you’re more into.</p>

<p>Cash or Cheque :D</p>

<p>Get yourself good cds - the type worth obtaining legally.</p>

<p>a bong :0!!</p>

<p>I spent $140 on shoes. But they were track shoes (trainers and spikes), which I’m basically keeping forever. So it’s a semi-good investment. </p>

<p>And I bought another $50+ on books (standardized test help only) and clothes. This was done on Black Friday, so I got some nice deals.</p>



<p>Man, you people on CC have expensive tastes. :frowning: I feel like I’m splurging when I drop more than $20 on a pair of pants.</p>

<p>Ask for a PS3 and Mirrors Edge</p>

<p>hmm…tricky…i asked for stuff i want for college next year</p>


NOOOOO I am too :] Oh, books.</p>