What should I do to prepare for UW?

<p>Aside from the obvious, is there anything I should do to get ready for Madison? Anything unexpected I should bring or do?</p>


<p>You mean besides a bag full of $$$? I would say bring the right attitude and willingness to work hard. Transition from high school to college can be a shocker for some.</p>

<p>Understand that unlike in high school, you have to choose to succeed in college (especially at a place like UW).</p>

<p>Put academics first. Remember the phrase is “STUDY HARD, play hard”. Get your work done then you can enjoy the social aspects of college life- and be around the next semester. Pay attention from day one- you will be told about upcoming homework and tests for the semester once, not repeatedly like in HS. You are responsible for using websites and other resources without daily reminders. The first week outline all of your courses’ obligations and their due dates- tests, homework, papers et al. Then you will know which weeks are likely to be toughest- plan ahead for when several classes have papers due or tests. Use bits of time between classes- a chapter here and there, one of the problems to solve… Unlike HS you don’t spend the whole day in class with perhaps a study hall- you have to remember to use your free time wisely.</p>

<p>The big difference- more responsibility for managing your time is shifted to you. No nagging parents or teachers to remind you to do things. Many more time wasting temptations. Many more distractions.</p>

<p>Practice your drinking, it will come at much higher and faster levels than high school</p>

<p>It seems that Madison is extremely tolerant to underage drinking. The drinking culture reminds me of Munich, where Bavarian Beers are sold in the vending machine at workplace and folks are typically having a pizza washed down with a pitch of weissbier…Good life.</p>

<p>The above drinking tips are not to be taken seriously. There is no need to be alcohol wise when starting at UW and no need to drink there. It won’t matter if a majority do drink, even occasionally- you can choose your lifestyle. No need to face peer pressure like in HS- you don’t like what a peer group is doing you just change peer groups.</p>

<p>Yes, you are likely to taste beer et al before you are 21. But you don’t need to do it as often as some or make it a part of your regular weekend lifestyle to enjoy being a UW student. Some don’t like the taste. Others dislike the effects that night or the next morning. Some get it out of their system and move on.</p>

<p>Definitely not something to get used to as a HS student. An unfortunate part of too many in Wisconsin’s lifestyle. A culture we should be changing, not encouraging.</p>

<p>Well, regardless of whether you choose to drink or not, I think anyone coming to UW should realize that it is there, and it will be the more or less dominant culture. You don’t have to partake, but I would recommend being prepared to be in the minority and to stand firm on your views if that’s what you believe. If you aren’t used to being in a place where LOTS of people drink, all the time - I would just kind of start mentally preparing for that. The student culture is a very binge-drinking positive culture and anti-drinking messages really won’t be there or will be pretty weak. It is perfectly acceptable to not drink at all, or to drink very little, but just be prepared to be in a very alcohol-heavy environment, is all, around many people who do drink (and who are still very nice people).</p>

<p>Definitely pay heed to preparing to stand firm on your views et al as RoxSox states.Never a need to fall into line with the rest of the crowd- and the drunks probably won’t even notice…</p>

<p>Well I posted it as a joke and I’m kind of surprised I actually didn’t chewed out more for it. Though I think it is completely naive to completely disregard the first part of RoxSox, you can do whatever your heart desires. This is the beauty of a large school, you can find people exactly like you.</p>

<p>Remember however, that it would still be 18 in WI had the fed govt not done thier own version of peer pressuring.</p>