<p>Currently I am a comp sci degree and I want to get a graduate degree that can compliment my cs degree (also a degree to increase my salary.. would hate to waste more money in college to get no salary increase or potential). I realize that they are many branches in mba and I am not sure what to focus on. Here are my interests:
I love handling with money, allocate spendings, calculating income, tax returns etc.
I also like working with people, I often find myself being grouped with lazy students or students who lack skills and then bringing out the best of them. I have learned a lot more about dealing with people and want to use this new knowledge I learned. </p>
<p>I am not sure were I should but more focus towards and what branch in mba I should aim towards so please comment and let me know. Keep in mind I want it to complemint my cs degree ( Just for the record I love cs it just that I dont want to code for other people, I want to code my projects thats why I want to get an mba cause I feel like its a major I dont mind working with)</p>